The Shameless Hour A Sports Romance

Quickie Review-May Contain Spoilers
The Shameless Hour was a story, I will be honest, I wasn't too excited for. Bella hasn't been my favorite character. I just don't relate to her character at all. And I will be honest in that this book wasn't my favorite from the series. Now I am picky about heroines that are very explorative when it comes to sexual experiences. Even in her vulnerable moments, I struggled with Bella and how she treats the hero. We have a virgin hero here and I really adored him so deeply. He has convictions and stands by them and Bella tended to demean those convictions at times and really put him down all the time. And while she realizes how wrong she is in the end, not much of a grovel, so she isn't fully redeemed and the heroine is the reason why the rating is so low. The conflict that we see in the story is interesting. It was more how the heroine reacted to it that rubbed me the wrong way. Hero was so steady and valiant. And while the ending was satisfying and delivered so happy feels, it wasn't quite as satisfying because the heroine just didn't become redeemed. This is basically a story of the heroine abusing the hero and it is shrugged off as okay because she is a feminist so his feelings and the emotional abuse don't matter.

Link to Blog: http://laceysloveofliterature.blogspo... So after joining The Locker Room Group on facebook I came across Sarina Bowen's Ivy Series and devoured them. I absolutely loved them. So when I was given an ARC for The Shameless Hour I was incredibly excited and stoked - squealing may or may not have been involved. I absolutely loved this book. I loved how we had a virgin-hero, and a 'promiscious' heroine. The switch-up was refreshing and a welcome change. Bella wasn't ashamed of herself and her enjoyment of sex which was refreshing compared to some NA blushing virgins we read about. And Rafe, the virgin-hero was just adorable - he didn't do no-strings, he preferred being in committed relationships due to his upbringing. However, circumstances pull these two together and they have sex. No-strings sex. And Rafe is mortified and embarrassed of his behaviour, thus acts hideously in the morning. After contracting an STI from a frat-boy, Bella is humiliated, and its put all over the internet. Completely humiliated she drops her position as the assistant hockey coach and starts skipping classes. Rafe, sharing a class, starts pulling Bella out of her funk. I loved the relationship between these two. They slept together not really knowing each other, but then slowly became friends. The friends-to-lovers was adorable. Bella has sworn off men, but can't help but notice Rafe. And Rafe only has eyes for Bella. This book was such an incredibly sweet, adorable read. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and am so grateful that I was gifted an ARC.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . I've loved each and every book in Sarina Bowen's Ivy Years series. Immediately upon finishing one, I begin chomping at the bit waiting for the next book to be released. This time it was Bella's book and I couldn't have been happier. I suspected what I knew of her so far from observing her in her role as team manager for the last few books just barely scratched the surface of this woman. I was right. I loved her even more than I thought I would. And Rafe? What a swoony book boyfriend. If you've read any of the books in this series, you'll recognize Bella as the hockey team manager. You might even have some preconceived notions about her. She's a woman more than willing to embrace her sexuality and is used to being judged for it. She's been dealing with a number of issues lately, including finding out her best friend and the guy she was in love with, is gay. Unfortunately, life isn't done kicking Bella around – but she's damn sure gonna fight back. Can I tell you how much I loved Bella? She's a woman I would absolutely be friends with in real life. The thing that happens to Bella in this book is horrible and damn near broke my heart. (**Slight spoiler** just in case this is a trigger for you – she is not sexually assaulted as I feared.) Yes, she hid at first, but when she was ready to face the world again (with help from Rafe and her neighbor, Lianne) she came out swinging. Gods, I loved it. But, I'm not gonna tell you any more about that. You need to experience it all for yourself. Some of her scenes were tough to read because I hated seeing her in pain. But, I also knew she would fight and get through it. That's just the kind of woman she is. Rafe was a genuinely good guy. A soccer player (yum) who works in his family's restaurant in New York City, he's a hard worker and total family guy. He's concerned about others, sexy as hell and sweet as can be. He was inexperienced and a little naive in some ways. But he was adorable. Oh, and did I mention how he would say phrases in Spanish during the sexy times? So. Freaking. Hot. Most of all, however, I respected how he treated Bella. He had feelings for her, knew she wasn't ready for a relationship, but was still a really good friend to her. He didn't push her hard or pursue her relentlessly. He was just there in her time of need, as a friend, and that made for a great base for things to grow between them. I can't think of a more perfect match for Bella than Rafe. Sure it was a slightly unconventional pairing – the virgin guy with the more experienced woman (a trope which I thoroughly enjoy because role reversal!), the rich white girl with the not-so-rich Hispanic boy – but it worked perfectly. She pulled him out of his comfort zone and, really, he did the same to her. He was unwilling to do casual – after their initial night together, anyhow. Bella only does casual. He wanted more from her and she was interested in him, but wasn't ready to take a leap. I really liked how close they grew after their first night together. And, of course, I was shipping them hard because how could you not? As has been the case with the other books in this series, there's more than just romance, sexy times and drama to this book. I really liked so many of the secondary characters in this story. First and foremost, Bella's neighbor Lianne. She surprised me. I can't wait for more of her. I even liked Rafe's roommates, even if they were a bit crass and obnoxious at times. Bella's family makes an appearance and, honestly, I'm not a big fan. (But they did grow on me a bit.) Rafe's family, however, was wonderful. I enjoyed the scenes they were featured in. The Shameless Hour was a wonderful addition to the Ivy Years series. Each of the women in this series have kicked some serious ass and Bella was no exception. Rate was amazing. The romance was fantastic. The sexy times were off the chart hot (sexy phrases in Spanish!). The storyline was realistic and dealt with some heavy issues without ever feeling overwhelming. I went through ALL the emotions though. Parts had me laughing, others crying, others so angry I wanted to cause harm to those who harmed Bella. I'd give it more than five stars if I could. Now the wait for Lianne's book begins. I can't wait to learn more of Bella's spunky starlet neighbor! I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.