Thomas Sankara parle

Thomas Sankara parle

Sous la direction de Thomas Sankara, le gouvernement revolutionnaire du Burkina Faso en Afrique de l'Ouest a mobilise les paysans, les travailleurs, les femmes et les jeunes pour mener des campagnes d'alphabetisation et de vaccination ; creuser des puits, planter des arbres, construire des barrages et des logements ; combattre l'oppression des femmes et transformer les relations d'exploitation a la campagne ; se liberer du joug imperialiste et pratiquer la solidarite internationale. Dans ce recueil de 30 discours et entrevues, Thomas Sankara parle comme un remarquable dirigeant revolutionnaire des travailleurs, des agriculteurs et des jeunes du monde entier. La deuxieme edition comprend une nouvelle introduction par l'editeur, Michel Prairie, ainsi qu'une preface, des cartes, une chronologie, un glossaire et un index. Le cahier de photos de 32 pages contient beaucoup de photos inedites de la revolution au Burkina Faso. Parlant de la premiere edition en anglais, publiee par Pathfinder en 1988, Victoria Brittain a ecrit dans le Guardian de Londres: L'originalite de sa pensee, [...] sa connaissance des realites socio-economiques du pays, sa comprehension des rapports de force internationaux [...] font de ce recueil de textes un outil tres utile. Exprimees avec passion et lucidite, ses vues sur le necessaire reequilibrage entre villes et campagnes, sur l'importance cruciale de l'emancipation de la femme [...] sont en parfaite syntonie avec les revendications des populations africaines actuelles.?Le Monde diplomatiqueThomas Sankara led the revolution that took place in the West African country Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. In this collection of speeches and interviews, Sankara explains how during those years the peasants and workers of Burkina Faso: *established a popular revolutionary government; *started to fight the hunger, illiteracy, and economic backwardness imposed by imperialist domination; *and began to combat the oppression of women inherited from thousands of years of class society. Their actions set an example not only for the workers and peasants of Africa but for those of the whole world, then and now. Sankara was assassinated October 15, 1987, in a coup carried out by the country?s current president, Blaise Compaore. Second edition includes a new introduction by editor Michel Prairie, foreword, maps, chronology and glossary, as well as an index. Thirty-two page photo section features many unpublished photos of the Burkina Faso revolution. Of the first edition, published by Pathfinder in 1988, Victoria Brittain wrote in the London Guardian, ?The courage and originality which made him and Burkina Faso the inspiration they were to so many Africans shine out of this collection of his most important speeches.? ?The originality of Sankara?s ideas ? along with his awareness of the social and economic realities of his country, his understanding of the international relations of forces ? make this collection a highly useful tool. Expressed with passion and clarity, his views on the necessity of a new balance between the city and the countryside, on the crucial importance of the emancipation of women ? are in perfect keeping with the demands of the peoples of Africa today.??Le Monde diplomatique
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