To All the Boys I've Loved Before
Easy read
Light hearted

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Jenny Han2014
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is now a major motion picture streaming on Netflix! Lara Jean’s love life gets complicated in this New York Times bestselling “lovely, lighthearted romance” (School Library Journal) from the bestselling author of The Summer I Turned Pretty series. What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them…all at once? Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she’s written. One for every boy she’s ever loved—five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
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Photo of Anni
5 stars
Feb 5, 2025

Loved it soo cuteeee

Photo of Anna
Anna @ann_omalia
4 stars
Jul 13, 2024

Milostné dopisy mají mnoho podob. Lara Jean sice nikdy žádný nedostala, ale napsala jich už pět- na rozloučenou. Když už Lara nechtěla být zamilovaná, napsala dopis o tom, jak se cítí, pečlivě ho zapečetila a schovala do krabice na klobouky. Neměla v plánu je posílat pryč. Ale jednoho dne Lara Jean zjistí, že dopisy někdo rozeslal. Najednou musí čelit všem pěti chlapcům, pro které dopisy psala. Ale časem zjistí, že rozeslání dopisů jí přece jen něco přineslo. . Originální YA romantický příběh. Je hodně oddechový, takže u něj nemusíte dávat tolik pozor, a to se mi líbí. Romantické knížky ale nejsou můj šálek kávy, proto dávám jen 4 hvězdy. 4*/5*

Photo of Linta
4 stars
May 29, 2024

I absolutely loved reading this book. Peter and Lara Jean were the cutest 😭💗💗

Photo of Anne
5 stars
May 17, 2024

Complicated yet powerful, that’s how I’ll describe the book in short. And complicated doesn’t always mean bad. Especially, if Jenny Han is there to de-tangle every string like that’s all she’s ever done. What I loved the most about the book is the relationship between the three sisters, well that can be a little biased because I have a sister too but I believe most of the people will agree with me on that one. The plot was really interesting and kind of crazy if I might say. I came across the book when I first watched the Netflix adaptation, we all know about. And well, let’s just say I absolutely love our protagonist and narrator, Lara Jean Song Covey. A teenage girl always in her fantasy world who is scared of love in real life, which somehow comes from her Asian roots and loss of her mother at an early age bringing a different sense of responsibility and self-awareness on her. One of the reasons why I really adore this book is that I was part of the targeted audience. I do relate to Lara Jean on most parts except for having all the boys showing up all together. Jenny Han has very well portrayed the how-abouts of teenage life and love. One character I really love from the book is LJ’s dad, Dr. Covey. The father-daughter relationship is well woven and wholesome. An understanding father is exactly what girls who lose their mother at an early age need. I really enjoyed the twists in the story which were bizarre but what’s even a little dramatic when it comes to Lara Jean’s life. Peter Kavinsky on the other hand continuously bugged me by being all possessive regarding Lara Jean while he himself kept going back and forth on Genevieve. Speaking of whom, the things Gen says during end of the story seemed really triggering but we can all agree that’s what girls face in today’s world- a little hidden message in the book I really appreciate the mention of. I really like how Jenny Han has written teenage problems in a respectful and reasonable way instead of mocking it all. While the story is really imaginative and fun there’s a lot to take away too. The very wholesome Lara Jean and Margot reunion at the near end of the story made me emotional and deeply touched. Besides, respecting and handling love carefully is the whole point of the story apart from the teenage craziness. I guess it is a really good read for the teenagers and young adults and there’s nothing to be alarmed at despite the title of the book which clearly talks about boys and love. Finally, I will suggest you to read the book first and the watch the movie or the book gets slow paced at times because you know some bits already while both a really different and the book has much more you wouldn’t find in the movie at all. I give this book a 4.5 stars.

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
3 stars
Apr 5, 2024

"A todos los chicos de los que me enamoré" de Jenny Han es una cautivadora novela que fusiona hábilmente la dulzura del romance adolescente con las complejidades emocionales de la adolescencia. La historia sigue a Lara Jean Covey, una joven cuyo mundo secreto se desmorona cuando sus cartas de amor no enviadas son misteriosamente entregadas a sus destinatarios. La narrativa de Han teje una trama encantadora al explorar el viaje de Lara Jean mientras enfrenta las consecuencias inesperadas de sus cartas. La protagonista, con su encanto peculiar, nos guía a través de un torbellino de emociones, desde la incomodidad hasta la vulnerabilidad y, finalmente, el descubrimiento de sí misma. El componente romántico de la historia está lleno de momentos tiernos y genuinos. Las relaciones se desarrollan de manera auténtica, y la autora captura de manera magistral la intensidad y la inocencia de los primeros amores. El lector se ve inmerso en un torbellino de emociones, sintiendo la alegría, la incertidumbre y la emoción a medida que las relaciones florecen. El contexto cultural y familiar añade una capa adicional de autenticidad a la historia. La diversidad de personajes y la exploración de las dinámicas familiares agregan profundidad y relevancia, convirtiendo la novela en una representación rica y matizada de la vida adolescente. En resumen, "A todos los chicos de los que me enamoré" es un viaje encantador que destaca por su narrativa fresca y personajes entrañables. Jenny Han logra capturar la esencia del romance juvenil mientras aborda temas universales de crecimiento personal y descubrimiento. Una lectura que deleitará a quienes buscan una historia conmovedora y auténtica.

Photo of cee
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

awwe :’) this is the first book i’ve read that isn’t dystopian . it was a sudden change but i love it (the book, not the film)

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
5 stars
Feb 14, 2024

I remember reading this the first time and not being too impressed but WHOA, ok that changed. I loved this! I was just perfectly in the mood for it. I just decided on a whim that I wanted to read it and it was perfect timing. The characters are adorable, I love the story. I LOVE the family and how much time the author devotes to them. It’s awesome. There’s something so real and special about these characters. What a fun, cute read!

Photo of Zahra
4 stars
Feb 6, 2024

Such a quick and sweet read. I loved the family dynamics in this one, especially the bond between the three Song girls. On top of that, Lara Jean is Asian (just like me) which produces a nod of approval from me because, FINALLY, an Asian protagonist! And let's not forget Peter Kavinsky, his interactions with Lara Jean was just hilarious and funny. Luckily, I already have P.S. I Still Love You in hand or I'd probably go mad from the cliffhanger!

Photo of sophie
4 stars
Jan 21, 2024

lara jean n peter r actually my roman empire 4 stars

Photo of Ryan
Ryan @ryandoesread
2 stars
Jan 19, 2024

full review down below 2.5 stars at this moment, i feel like i disliked this book so much, but at the same time, there were a few things that come to mind that it was good, leading to me rating this book in between-ish.

Photo of Kritika Narula
Kritika Narula@kitkatreads
4 stars
Jan 13, 2024

I cannot bear the cliiff hanger. I shouldnt have read this before the book came out. Damn. nevertheless. Now that I have read it, let me cut tothe chase. The novel is heartwarming, heart shattering and heartbreaking at different points. I lived the warmth and affection that the Song Girls shared. I also loved the different equations of relationships

Photo of Jyc
4 stars
Jan 12, 2024

★★★★ // i find myself partly endeared to lara jean, but also partly annoyed. she is a sweet, young girl that you can’t help but admire. sometimes, she’s too naïve that i kind of want to shake her. so for the most part, i’m confused about my feelings towards her character. the romance part of the book is a classic fake-it-til-you-make-it. i absolutely loved how it slowly developed into something real, especially those moments when their gestures and actions start to become the normal.

Photo of Ashley Ballard
Ashley Ballard @readingwithashley
3 stars
Jan 11, 2024

3.5/5 stars I was OBSESSED with the movies, so going into this book I had high hopes. Now this book wasn't bad per say it's just kinda there (if that makes any sense at all). It's a cute little quick read, but it kills me (like actually kills me) to say that I preferred the movie over the book.... I'm so sorry. It's still okay though and hopefully the other books get better.

Photo of Ally
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

Did not like the audiobook as much as reading it in physical form. The movie misses soo much

Photo of Izzy
3 stars
Jan 8, 2024

More like 3.25 It was an enjoyable read for most parts of the book, especially the beginning was great, but there was literally no chemistry between Lara Jean and Peter and seriously, what was this ending? The author could have easily finished this whole story if she added another chapter but no, let's just write a whole sequel to it. Sigh.

Photo of anita
4 stars
Jan 8, 2024

Gracias Jenny Han por sacarme de mi bloqueo de lector que duró 8 meses, me divertí muchísimo leyendo este libro. ❣️

Photo of maddie
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

super cute book!! i really liked all of the characters as well! it’s pretty easy to read and kind of predictable, but overall, it’s still a good book :)

Photo of carolreadabook
4 stars
Dec 23, 2023

o primeiro livro que eu li em inglês. não sei quantas vezes consultei dicionário e tradutor pra entender, mas valeu muuuito a pena, meu vocabulário cresceu de uma maneira que nem sei explicar e amo a lara jean, era isso

Photo of <3
4.5 stars
Dec 4, 2023

I was so addicted to the plot but th writing style wasn’t my favorite.

Photo of Amena Elkayal
Amena Elkayal@amena_elkayal
4 stars
Oct 20, 2023

Such an adorable story 😍

Photo of Payton Washer
Payton Washer@payton_washer
5 stars
Sep 30, 2023

I LOVE THIS BOOOOOOOOOOOOOK! Lara Jean is my alter ego!

Photo of Katelyn Payne
Katelyn Payne @kateyvette
5 stars
Sep 15, 2023

** spoiler alert ** Okay not gonna lie I found this book super boring in the beginning but then I found myself having a hard time to put it down. I watched the movie before reading the book because I couldn’t wait to see it any longer and I noticed so many differences some of which I can’t really remember but one thing is that Laura Jean gets in a car accident and Peter sees her and offers to help her. This ends up being how they tell people they got together. In the movie it ends with Laura Jean telling peter she loves him and then they’re together but the book ends with her starting a letter to Peter But I thought this book was super good

Photo of aleecia 🫧🫖🪻
aleecia 🫧🫖🪻@cheesereads
5 stars
Sep 4, 2023

Oh my word, I loved this soooo much!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍 Yessss! I would recommend this to anyone. Unfortunately the movie didn't go along with it as well. Can't wait to read the next one

Photo of ♥️ Layla Diez ♥️
♥️ Layla Diez ♥️@pandareader
5 stars
Aug 23, 2023

Again, perfect story!


Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

As irmãs, quando se zangam, é suposto fazerem as pazes, pois são irmãs e as irmãs acabam sempre por se reencontrar. Mas o que mais me assusta é que talvez não seja esse o nosso caso.

Page 260
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Quando alguém está fora durante muito tempo, de início guardamos todas as coisas que lhe queremos contar. Tentamos manter tudo na nossa mente. Mas é como agarrar um punhado de areia: Os pedacinhos mais pequenos escorregam-nos por entre os dedos e depois só nos resta na mão o ar e uns quantos grãos. É por isso que não é possível guardar assim as coisas.

Page 225
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Josh, partes-me o coração. E és um mentiroso. Porque tu conheces-me, conheces-me melhor do que quase toda a gente, e não me amas.

Page 169
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

A Margot diria que pertence a si própria. A Kitty diria que não pertence a ninguém. E eu acho que diria que pertenço às minhas irmãs e ao meu pai, mas nem sempre seria verdade. Pertencer a alguém – não sei como é, mas agora que penso nisso parece-me ser tudo aquilo que sempre desejei. Ser mesmo de alguém e que esse alguém seja meu.

Page 146
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Entre irmãs, um pacto é tudo.

Page 124
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Não sei… acho que à chuva tudo parece mais dramático.

Page 114
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

A vida não tem de ser toda planeada.

Page 95
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Mas acho que, bem lá no fundo, as pessoas não mudam. São o que são.

Page 88
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Acho-te gira… de uma maneira estranha.

Page 72
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

Se fosses meu, nunca te teria deixado, nem num milhão de anos.

Page 48
Photo of Beatriz Carvalho
Beatriz Carvalho@beatrizdlc

As minhas cartas são para quando já não quero estar apaixonada. São para despedidas. Porque, depois de escrever a minha carta, já não sou consumida por esse amor devorador.

Page 7
Photo of Devansh Patil
Devansh Patil@devansh

“Okay, okay. You know I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean that you

should give people a chance to know you.” Josh points the remote control at

me and says, “If people knew you, they would love you.” He sounds so


Josh, you break my heart. And you’re a liar. Because you know me, you

know me better than almost anybody, and you don’t love me.

Page 167
Photo of ReadwithZanariah
ReadwithZanariah @lifeofzanariah

When I write, I hold nothing back. I write like hell never read it. Because he never will. Every secret thought, every careful obser- vation, everything l've saved up inside me, I put it all in the letter. When l'm done, I seal it, I address it, and then I put it in my teal hatbox. They're not love letters in the strictest sense of the word. My letters are tor when don't want to be in love anymore. They're for good-bye. Because after I write my letter, l'm no longer consumed by my all-consuming love, l can eat my cereal and not wonder if he likes bananas over his Cheerios too; l can sing along to love songs and not be singing them to him, If love is like a possession, maybe my letters are like my exorcisms. My letters set me free. Or at least they're supposed to.

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

And I’m certain, I’m so suddenly certain that everything is exactly the way it’s supposed to be, that I don’t have to be so afraid of good-bye, because good-bye doesn’t have to be forever.

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

The teal hatbox might be the only gift from Mommy I got that was just for me. I didn’t have to share it; this one was mine and mine alone. When I opened it, I expected to find a hat, maybe a straw hat with a floppy brim, or maybe a newsboy—but it was empty. “This is for your special things,” she said. “You can put all your most precious, most favorite, most secret things in here.” “Like what?” I said. “Whatever fits inside. Whatever you want to keep just for you.”

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

There is a specific kind of fight you can only have with your sister. It’s the kind where you say things you can’t take back. You say them because you can’t help but say them, because you’re so angry it’s coming up your throat and out your eyes; you’re so angry you can’t see straight. All you see is blood.

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

Around three a.m. I throw away Peter’s notes. I delete the picture of him from my phone; I delete his number. I think that if I just delete him enough, it will be like none of it ever happened and my heart won’t hurt so badly.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

I want to say yes, but I don’t want to be with a boy whose heart belongs to somebody else. Just once, I want to be somebody’s first choice.

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

When someone’s been gone a long time, at first you save up all the things you want to tell them. You try to keep track of everything in your head. But it’s like trying to hold on to a fistful of sand: all the little bits slip out of your hands, and then you’re just clutching air and grit. That’s why you can’t save it all up like that. Because by the time you finally see each other, you’re catching up only on the big things, because it’s too much bother to tell about the little things. But the little things are what make up life. Like a month ago when Daddy slipped on a banana peel, a literal banana peel that Kitty had dropped on the kitchen floor. Kitty and I laughed for ages. I should have e-mailed Margot about it right away; I should have taken a picture of the banana peel. Now everything feels like you had to be there and oh never mind, I guess it’s not that funny. Is this how people lose touch? I didn’t think that could happen with sisters. Maybe with other people, but never us. Before Margot left, I knew what she was thinking without having to ask; I knew everything about her. Not anymore. I don’t know what the view looks like outside her window, or if she still wakes up early every morning to have a real breakfast or if maybe now that she’s at college she likes to go out late and sleep in late. I don’t know if she prefers Scottish boys to American boys now, or if her roommate snores. All I know is she likes her classes and she’s been to visit London once. So basically I know nothing. And so does she. There are big things I haven’t told her—how my letters got sent out. The truth about me and Peter. The truth about me and Josh. I wonder if Margot feels it too. The distance between us. If she even notices.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

He has sandy hair, clean-cut. His cheeks are rosy, just the way I remember. They still have that fresh-scrubbed wholesomeness that makes him look young. He’s wearing khakis and a light blue button-down with a navy crew-neck sweater. He looks serious, focused, like he’s a real delegate and this isn’t pretend. Honestly, he looks just the way I imagined he’d grow

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

“Well, I hope she doesn’t get too attached.” Even though I’ve had that exact same thought for different reasons, it still hurts to hear.

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

Josh is still smiling. “Why bother looking at the menu when we already know what you’re going to get?” “I could change my mind at the last second,” I say. “There’s a chance I could order a tuna melt or a turkey burger or a chef salad. I can be adventurous too, you know.”

Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

“Well, Peter’s not like those other guys.” I don’t understand why Margot can’t just be happy for me. I was at least pretend happy for her when she started dating Josh. She could be pretend happy for me too. And it makes me mad, the way she’s saying all of this stuff in front of Daddy and Kitty. “If you talk to him, if you just give him a chance, you’ll see, Margot.”

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Syahna Maryam
Syahna Maryam@syahnamarch05

I don’t know if Kitty will remember eating these rice balls, but I hope that her heart will.

This book appears on the shelf stand-alone

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