Jack Canfield, Tom Hopkins, John Christensen
Bootstrap Business

Bootstrap Business

Being an entrepreneur can be rewarding but is usually a tough endeavor when first starting out. The concept for this book, Bootstrap Business, was to gather some people who have succeeded in business and have them share their best advice. In finding out just what the word ¿bootstrap¿ means, as it pertains to business, I found several definitions:¿ To promote and develop by use of one's own initiative and work without reliance on outside help¿ Undertaken or accomplished with minimal outside help¿ Being or relating to a process that is self-initiating or self-sustaining¿ By one's own effortsThose are good definitions but not one person I talked with was able to build his or her business alone. Most of these successful people said that there were many who were influential in helping them build their business. Among these were parents/relatives, mentors, and educators.When people think of entrepreneurs, they usually think of people who built their businesses without formal education. However, one of our writers said, ¿Education has played a key role in the development of my businesses and business strategies. It¿s an essential aspect in developing business skills, it aids in your ability to communicate effectively, how to process information, and how to become a strong leader.¿ I know of some who have had little education but because they listened to successful businesspeople, they were able to put together a business and make it prosper.Famous speaker, Charlie ¿Tremendous¿ Jones, said, ¿Who we are is a result of the books we read and the people we hang out with.¿ I encourage you to learn the valuable information contained this book. The prosperous people here have given some of the best advice you will ever find about building your business¿and your life. ¿David WrightBootstrapping your own business takes courage, initiative, and learning from the mistakes of others as well as your own. This book, Bootstrap Business, will help you learn from some of the experts who have learned lessons along the way to achieving their own success. We have pooled their professional expertise to give you information on how to navigate challenges and the additional help you need to achieve the full potential of your business. Startup entrepreneurs will gain essential information they need to make informed decisions. This book is also for the many small business owners who find themselves facing overwhelming competition.
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