Why the Bottom Line Isn't!

Why the Bottom Line Isn't! How to Build Value Through People and Organization

Offers a broad view of leadership and shareholder value based onmultiple business disciplines In Why the Bottom Line Isn't! authors Dave Ulrichand Norm Smallwood argue that sustainable shareholder value comesincreasingly from assets not accounted for on an organization'sbalance sheet. These assets include a company's reputation, itsability to attract talent, and its ability to react quickly to newopportunities in the marketplace. Why the Bottom LineIsn't! harnesses research from a number of disciplinesincluding human resources, finance, and leadership to establish ahierarchy of such intangibles. The authors extrapolate from theseintangibles to establish leadership tools that will help createsustainable shareholder value. The book offers a broad, expansiveperspective on leadership while eschewing convoluted theory forconcrete practice. Dave Ulrich, Ph.D., ([email protected]) has been listed byBusinessWeek as the top "guru" in management education. He hasco-authored 10 books and over 100 articles, serves on the Board ofDirectors of Herman Miller, and has consulted with over half of theFortune 200 companies. He is currently on professional leave asProfessor at the University of Michigan to serve as MissionPresident for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints inMontreal. Norm Smallwood ([email protected]) is co-founder ofResults-Based Leadership (www.rbl.net), which provides educationand consulting services based on this book as well as the ideas inResults-Based Leadership: How Leaders Build the Business andImprove the Bottom Line, which he co-authored with Ulrich. He hasled leadership development, business strategy, organizationcapability, change management, and HR projects for a wide varietyof clients spanning multiple industries.
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