Knocking Boots

Oh be still my black heart. Knocking Boots has got to be one of the sweetest books I’ve read. I normally don’t go for small town romances or wistful stories but this completely won me over. Grace wanting nothing more to settle down and start a family tries to keep a cap on her growing crush on Charlie, the country boy with the green eyes to die for. Owner of the bar outside of town Charlie is no where near ready to commit after a past he’s not quite let go of but is it worth letting the adorably sexy Grace slide right through his fingers? These two are a match made in romance heaven. They made my heart melt causing me to literally “awww” out loud at parts. Their love is pure, passionate and all consuming. Charlie is as sweet as peach pie yet so deliciously dirty once he has Grace in his hands. He will light you up way faster than you thought possible. As you read you know that it’s heading straight for happily ever after but it’s not boring. It’s uplifting, making you smile while at the same time staying true to that Willow Winters fire, simply a must read.


I go after what I want, and what I want right now, more than wanting the bar to be stable, is her.

“Is that how you say thank you for donuts all the time?” he asks mildly. “I could add these to the menu.”