
NVM im not about to read 200+ pages of non-consensual bdsm, i feel bad for her & i hate anne rice dnfed 10%

DO. NOT. READ. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. Seriously the worst book I've read to date. Worse than Twilight. Worse than Fifty Shades. HOW DARE you even compare these books to ANYTHING Tiffany Reisz writes. OMG I CANT EVEN. I'm so mad I wasted money on this series. I barely got through the first one without setting it on fire it was so BORING AND SO TERRIBLY WRITTEN. I couldn't help but fall asleep every other page. omg.......... SAVE YOUR BRAIN CELLS AND DO NOT READ THIS!!!!!!

I always have high expectations when going into an erotic novel. I look forward to the tantalization of the characters, and I am no stranger to enjoying a little forceful relationships. Good stories are not perfectly proper fairy tales come true. spank However, this book took my inner child and stomped all over her with an elephant. spank When I started reading this book, I was CURIOUS. Sleeping Beauty in its original telling was nothing so innocent and would most definitely not be Disney material. I was expecting to see blood shed, sex, some magic, and possibly a rape scene or two. spank By the time I got through the first 100 pages, I was IN AWE - and not in the good way. spank I probably enjoy erotica as much as the next person but this story was RIDICULOUS. spank This story read like someone wanted an excuse to degrade, humiliate and make sure that some ignorant and naive little creature was molested by every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Susan that crossed her path. The plot was weak, basically consisted of one question: how many different sexual ways can I torture this child, who by very nature was underage. spank Read this with great caution. spank There is rape. spank There is humiliation. spank There is more than one person assaulting the "main character". spank And if you couldn't tell, there is spanking. So much spanking, I am sick of the word and the idea. Alright, enough of the Spank. If you can read beyond the constant spanking interruptions that make no sense, you are halfway up the impossible hill of stomaching this book! The writing itself was pretty awful though it seemed there was a decent round of editing, or two, or three million. It was still not a book I could stomach in long strides. I barely finished a chapter before setting it down and cleaning my glasses, dropping some eye drops in and making sure I remembered how to read. By the time I got close to the end of the book, I was MENTALLY BLIND. Perhaps I do not have an appreciation of books. I may even be turned off by the constant abuse and the unyielding "anti-hero" of sorts. Whatever the case actually is, I found this book only good for a single read-through.

This is a quite a weird book. I've always enjoyed erotica, but this is maybe a little too much even for me. I don't necessarily enjoy books where the intimate relationship between men is described in detail and this has more action between men than men and women or between just women. Although, I guess this is what you can expect from Anne Rice and of course intimate relationships between men were very common in the past. I will continue reading all the books but not my favourite series, although it might be the best book I've read from Anne Rice so far.

I immediately didn't want to read this book, but I wanted to push myself to be open and understand why the author made the choices she did. The story begins with the prince r*ping Sleeping Beauty until she wakes up from her deep slumber. He forces her in slavery and she's groomed along with a bunch of other princes and princesses. The only thing I could gather from this story was the large misunderstanding of sado masochism- that the dom should be controlling to the point of no consent.

DNF about half way through. Last time I checked rape and sadism weren't considered erotica. How anyone could read all three books is beyond me. This is just page after page of rape and torture. No thanks.

Please for the love of god do not read this book. Just... No.