Behind the Bars

Behind the Bars

When I first met Jasmine Greene, she came in as raindrops. I was the awkward musician, and she was the high school queen. The only things we had in common were our music and our loneliness. Something in her eyes told me her smile wasn't always the truth. Something in her voice gave me a hope I always wished to find. And in a flash, she was gone. Years later, she was standing in front of me on a street in New Orleans. She was different, but so was I. Life made us colder. Harder. Isolated. Caged. Even though we were different, the broken pieces of me recognized the sadness in her. Now she was back, and I wouldn't make the mistake of letting her go again. When I first met Jasmine Greene, she came in as raindrops. When we met again, I became her darkest storm.
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Photo of Jasmine
5 stars
Jan 21, 2023

4.25 Stars “No. Sometimes people don’t need words, Elliott. Sometimes they just need the space to feel what they need to feel, with someone present as a reminder that they’re not alone.” This was such a truly beautiful read about two broken people finding each other. I love authors who put significance into their tiles because it just makes the book all the more special after finishing it. For me, when I first looked at this tile I thought it was just nice music related tile, but after reading this book I realized the entire reference and it honestly broke my heart. This is a new book in Brittany C Cherry's new Music Street series and I'm just awed by the emotional impact and the gorgeous backdrop of New Orleans. I can't wait to see what other stories this series might hold and I wonder if they might also take place in this gorgeous musically rich city. Brittany C Cherry continues to be one of my favs, the way she writes these amazing broken characters, and romances move me so much!!

Photo of Carley Whitehead
Carley Whitehead@carleydanielle
4 stars
Mar 4, 2022

3.5 stars

Photo of chloe mcpherson
chloe mcpherson@randombookhoarder
3 stars
Feb 8, 2022

***BOOK REVIEW*** ⭐️⭐️⭐️ So this is Brittainy’s newest release, Behind the bars which follows Jasmine, a girl struggling with her life at home. And Elliot who gets bullied at school. They meet as kids and are instantly drawn to each other but as life gets in the way they are torn apart. Years go past, when they run into each other again. . . The first half of this book, reading the characters as teens, I enjoyed a lot more as I did reading about them as adults. I could really feel the emotions in the characters, Jasmine struggles with the relationship she has with her mother and Elliot is constantly getting bullied at school. There was a part in this book which was so unbelievably heartbreaking which had me in tears. The only reason I gave this 3 stars instead of 4, was because the second part of the book, which follows Jasmine and Elliot as adults, I just felt wasn’t as emotional and heartfelt as the first half of the book. I would recommend this book if you are into quick cheesy romance! . .

Photo of Jo H
Jo H@psyche_eros
3 stars
Aug 27, 2021

3.5⭐️ This was my first BCB and whilst I did enjoy it, and it won't be my last, I didn't love it as much as I expected to. The romance was beautiful with some gorgeous imagery from various passages, “It’s hard to be around you sometimes,” he whispered. “Why’s that?” His eyebrows knit together and he lowered his voice. “Because you make my heart beat.” “And what’s wrong with a beating heart?” He slightly shrugged his shoulders. “The more they beat, the easier they break, but that’s the thing about you, Jasmine—I’ve been dead for six years now, and then you show up and remind me how good it feels to be alive, what it feels like to breathe again. Don’t you see why it’s so important that you exist? Don’t you see why the world needs you? Why the best decision your mother ever made was having you? You’re the music in a mute world, and my heart beats because you’re here.” and I was expecting angst which I tend to enjoy mostly, I wasn't expecting the more shocking aspects of Eliott's bullying (and that other thing) to take place on page and that affected my enjoyment of the first half - the then part of the story. Also, I was expecting it to be much sexier than it was in the second half, the now part. I was also quite frustrated at the author's lack of delving into the cultural aspects of the characters, the setting, and the interracial aspects of this relationship. Not that I want those things to be the primary focus of most of the romances I read, but the lack of description of both Elliott and Jasmine (over and above his caramel skin and hazel eyes and her long black hair and thin frame) and all the other characters (and I have no clue in particular what Ray, TJ, Laura or even Katie the other characters I was really invested in look like) is the first time I find myself wanting more description of the people I was reading about. And given how very diverse I know New Orleans to be in terms of people and the various communities and the atmosphere, I was expecting to be drenched in the sights, sounds and smells of the city and I got very little of that. I've read some books that have had me desperate to get to the city because of how alive it was written to be on page, and I was really missing that on this occasion. I do feel that these were all deliberate authorial choices, and whilst I understand (I think) why she did that (mass 'appeal' and focussing on the romance), it was a disappointment to me. Also, what happened to Jasmine's relationship with music and dance? The small number of times she talks about singing in the 'now' just felt a bit... unfinished to me. And as much as she didn't seem to enjoy being forced into dance lessons in the 'before', she simply ignored that part of her life totally when she finally took control and it was never mentioned again. At least I would have expected some discussion of the relief she felt at not being forced to go through all the things her mother subjected her to over the years at long last, but no. No mention of it all. Now this particular feeling is probably sour grapes on my behalf as I crave romance books with dancers that actually dance (ie competence porn the dance version) on-page, but there it is. TBH the whole aspect of the music with Elliot also felt unfinished. Whatever became of their joint passion? As much as I liked the epilogues, there was no mention of that part of them what so ever and that seemed felt odd to me. However, apart from falling for both Elliott and Jasmine and feeling their connection almost immediately, a couple of things that I particularly appreciated was the relationship between Jasmine and her father Ray. He laughed and tossed me the food. “You’re perfect the way you are. Don’t starve yourself for the dream, Snow White, and don’t starve yourself for your mother. Neither are worth it.” “Thanks.” He nodded. “And whenever you want me to talk to your mom, let me know. I got your back.” “Ray?” “Yeah?” “Do you love her?” I asked, my voice low. The two of them never acted like they were in love. Not as far back as I could remember, at least. Maybe there was a time they were, but it wasn’t something that existed in my memories. Ray gave me a tight smile. Which was a clear no. “She’s mean to you,” I told him. “I can handle it,” he replied. “Why do you stay with her? Why would you stay with someone you don’t even love who treats you the way she does?” He cleared his throat and stared at me with the gentlest eyes I’d ever seen. Then he shrugged his shoulders. “Come on, Snow,” he softly spoke. “You know the answer to that question.” Because of me. He stayed because of me. “I love her because she gave me you. You may not be my blood, Snow White, but don’t for a second think that you are not my family. I stay for you. I’ll always stay for you.” He may not have been the one that created her biologically, but as she says just a few lines later Ray might not have been my biological father, but there was no doubt in my mind that he was my dad. and he certainly helped shaped the woman she became. Considering we don't often see the father in books being the nurturing one, I absolutely loved seeing that. And I also really appreciated the decision she made towards the end regarding her mother. Despite what is always espoused in our world, blood is NOT always thicker (some of us are just not that lucky) which is something I can personally relate to. And on Elliott's side, seeing how open and loving his mom Laura was even through her immense pain and his guilt-ridden rejection of all forms of comfort and pleasure was just so real. And one of the absolute best things about this book for me was the found family aspect that played out towards the end of it. Ultimately, it is a gorgeous love story between two people struggling with their past, one of them with immense grief and guilt and I totally get that part of it, but some of the peripherals, because they are just as important to me as the journey of the main couple, just didn't quite hold up and therefore affected my overall rating of the book.

Photo of Favour Amed
Favour Amed@unique_favy1
5 stars
Mar 27, 2024
Photo of Shavonne Briggs
Shavonne Briggs @shavonnebriggs
5 stars
Aug 4, 2023
Photo of Julia
4 stars
Oct 23, 2022
Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
3 stars
Oct 18, 2022
Photo of Cassandra Paliwoda
Cassandra Paliwoda@asassycassy
5 stars
Nov 9, 2021
Photo of Elise Riley
Elise Riley@thebookwytch
5 stars
Sep 2, 2021
Photo of maevaeatsbooks
4 stars
Aug 31, 2021