Bill Everett's Amazing Man

Bill Everett's Amazing Man

Reprint of fully restored Amazing-Man Comics #5-11 (1939-1940), with additional information about Bill Everett, the Centaur "Comic Group" and the actual copyright status of the comics. Created by Bill Everett at the very start of his career, John Aman, the Amazing-Man, was the leading hero of Centaur, one of the earliest Golden Age comic book publisher. An orphan raised by enlighted Tibetan monks to achieve ultra-manhood, he truly is John “a-man”, an archetype of human perfection, whose powers are a personal achievement anybody could attain, if given the opportunity to reach its full potential. Neither an alien from another planet nor a mutant with a twisted genetic code, Amazing-man is a human being with a bright and a dark side, like any other... Optimized for iPad and 1024x768 pixel tablets.
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