Black Widow Red Vengeance (A Black Widow Novel)

Black Widow Red Vengeance (A Black Widow Novel)

Margaret Stohl β€” 2016
BLACK WIDOW: RED VENGEANCE is the action-packed sequel tothe instant New York Times best-seller, BLACK WIDOW: FOREVER RED, penned by #1New York Times best-selling author Margaret Stohl. This time, Stohl takesreaders inside the minds of Marvel's most cunning and dangerous spies-BlackWidow and Red Widow-delving deeper into their powers and will reveal more thanever before about the infamous assassin and her fledgling hero-in-training.
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Photo of Izza
1 star
Dec 9, 2022

1.5 stars | It breaks my fangirl heart to do this, but I cannot finish this. The first one was bad, this is worse. You are telling me this is a BLACK WIDOW novel? Natasha is my absolute favourite character ever, and the characterization in this novel is TERRIBLE. It's like the author doesn't even KNOW who Natasha is. There's no way Nat would take Ava (a freaking kid!) on a super dangerous OP. I'll stick to reading fanfic, thank you very much.

Photo of Lynn Braden
Lynn Braden@ftbooklover
4 stars
Oct 8, 2021

Black Widow Red Vengeance is another story featuring Natasha Romanoff and Ava Orlova. The two Widows are out looking for what remains of the Red Room and seeking revenge for the death of Alexei, Natasha's brother and Ava's boyfriend. Both are still struggling with their grief, Ava to the point of seeing and talking to what can only be described as Alexei's ghost who gives her advice and makes her feel better about her loss. Natasha and Ava stumble onto an operation involving six experimental nuclear missiles. The race is on to discover who owns the missiles and what their intentions are. In the meantime, Ava uses her newfound abilities to exact the revenge that she has been looking for. Several of the characters from the Avengers appear in this story. Tony Stark and Phil Coulson play important roles as well as Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel. This is a good addition to the Black Widow story. We learn more about her past as well as developing the character of the Red Widow. The beginning of the story is a little hard to follow because of the flash-fast banter between Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff, but overall this is a good story with lots of action, adventure, and emotion. I hope there will be another book in this series.

Photo of Cat Josephson
Cat Josephson@themorrigan12
4 stars
Mar 1, 2023
Photo of Georgia
3 stars
Dec 30, 2022
Photo of Makayla Woolfolk
Makayla Woolfolk@makaylabriann
4 stars
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of Katie Egan
Katie Egan@katieshuffle
5 stars
Nov 27, 2021
Photo of Isabella Stocka
Isabella Stocka@isabellastocka
5 stars
Aug 21, 2021

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