
I went into this one almost completely blind, based on title alone (note: Asman is a genius at naming things. If the title doesn’t convince you, read the book and then look back a some of the names—for one location in particular). This is a book that took me from “I’m not sure how I feel about this,” to “I think maybe I love this.” This book goes totally off the rails, so if that’s not what you’re looking for, it may not be for you. I found that the weirder it got, the more I enjoyed it. If you enjoy the tragicomic lives of Grady Hendrix’s characters, I imagine you’ll find something to enjoy in these characters as well. The only one whose voice didn’t quite work for me was Damien. I loved the character concept, but something about his adventures made me feel vaguely like I was watching an episode of Pinky and the Brain while “The Yellow Wallpaper” happened in the background. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or a critique, but I DO know that I couldn’t seem to hear his inner monologue in anything but an Orson Welles-esque tone. The ending is brutal, hilarious, and just a little unsatisfying, in the way that maybe all books with such wild journeys should be. It’s my understanding that Brian Asman works in film, and this book begs for a film adaptation.

Actually bought this book because a haunted house story? With that title? Absolutely. The story itself was a blast to read. Author Brian Asman’s engaging mixture of humor & horror here reminded me of Grady Hendrix’s Horrorstör, in the best way possible. One of the characterizations was a little off but didn’t take away from the overarching narrative and overall joy this was to read. Eff this house, indeed. 4.5/5 Stars

This book is definitely not a serious horror book but more comedy horror. It was a trip! I loved every minute of it and it was a good length for what it was