The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Dickens' last novel is a mystery built around a presumed crime - the murder of a nephew by his uncle. Dickens died before completing the story, leaving the mystery unsolved and encouraging successive generations of readers to turn detective. Beyondthe preoccupying fact of this intriguing crime, however, the novel also offers readers a characteristically Dickensian mix of the fantastical world of the imagination and a vibrantly journalistic depiction of gritty reality.

Marie Rogowski@iamcurie
Starts off slow but towards the end it gets really thrilling EDIT: The english wikipedia article about the books gives some great insights into the possible solution and where Dickens might have been going with this book. If you cant stand the idea of the story being open-ended, i recommend reading the article. But i STRONGLY recommend to read the book first =)

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