Faking It

Faking It

Cora Carmack2013

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Photo of Hanna Rybchynska
Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
5 stars
May 3, 2024

Devo ser sincera, gostei muito mais deste do que do anterior! Simpatizo muito mais com estas personagens do que com as anteriores! E o Cade (personagem principal) é tão cute... Novamente, acho que as cenas "mais tensas" são demasiado forçadas... Não sei! Em geral gostei da história, mas não tenho a certeza que há rapazes como o Cade! Resumindo o livro, Mackenzie (Max) tem um problema, os pais dela são muito conservativos e críticos sobre a aparência das pessoas e especialnemente da sua filha. Ela tem piercings, tatuagens e é uma rebelde. No entanto, os pais não podem descubrir isso, nem o namorado dela que praticamente recebe a mesma descrição. Quando os pais aparecem inesperadamente antes do dia de Ação de Graças, ela é "obrigada" a ser "normal" e ter um namorado normal. Ela vê um rapaz totalmente perfeito e arranjado (Cade) e pede-lhe que ele seja namorado dela nas próximas 24 horas.

Photo of Barbara Kovács
Barbara Kovács@babeszova
5 stars
Nov 5, 2022

Okay. Cade is another name for perfection. This book ended too early. I wanted to read 300 pages more.

Photo of sophia n
sophia n@nyx
2 stars
Sep 16, 2022

this was a HUGE step up from the last book, but that beings said it doesn't really make it great lmao. i only read it because the summary said it followed a fake dating trope, and i am nothing if not predictable. and actually it was okay. it wasn't amazing by any standard, and a few parts were annoying (reminding me too much of the first book, ugh) but both the leads in this were way more engaging than the first book. but idk. the longer i thought about it, the more i remembered things about it that annoyed me. meh.

Photo of Sven Test
Sven Test@sven-sg-test-1
4 stars
Aug 31, 2022

3.5 stars.

Photo of Missy Zuber
Missy Zuber @mlz2883
3 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Kept me interested. Liked the storyline.

Photo of Jaclyn
5 stars
Apr 24, 2022

"There are some things that are worth fighting for, no matter the outcome, and you're one of them." SO MUCH LOVE FOR CORA CARMACK!! This book was ADORABLE, HILARIOUS, CUTE AND SO MUCH FUN TO READ! Ahh It starts off hilarious with this girl named Max at a coffee shop. She's kind of a "bad girl" and has piercing and tattoos everywhere, works at a bar and tattoo parlor, and her parents are the complete opposite. She has this charade going with them where they don't know "the real" her so when they call while she's in a coffee shop with her boyfriend and tell her they are on the way to meet him, she panics. She gets rid of her boyfriend and while she's thinking of an excuse she finds Cade and asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend really quick to please her parents. Cade being an actor and complete sweetheart decides to help her out and its all hilarious and awkward and brilliant. "I never dated a girl like her and she's probably never dated a guy like me. But sometimes you don't know what you're looking for until it's already knocked you flat on your back." One of things I absolutely LOVED about this was that it was between a "good" guy and a "bad" girl. So refreshing!! I love bad boys but it was so nice to see the good guy get the spotlight! And Cade was so so prefect.... "I'll remind you everyday how amazing it feels when your body touches mine. I'll remind you of good times and help you forget the bad. I'll remind you of who you are when life has beaten you down and made you doubt it. I'll bust down your door in the middle of the night and kiss you until you remember that your fears are just that, and they can't control you. I'll take my chances with your fickle heart if it means it's mine." *fans self* AH CADE. I love him so much!! I loved the duel POV throughout the novel because it let us get a deeper look into what was going on in their heads. It was all just super sweet and fast paced. I couldn't put it down. I read it while being snowed in and it was just what I needed! It was light, cute, and steamy. But towards the second half the real issues started to come to light and unravel into a much deeper plot. It ended having a lot of layers towards it that gave it more depth. "We've had too much death and disappointment, so we don't know how to accept the good things when they happen to us." It's about love and acceptance. It's about moving on and learning how to let yourself be happy. It's about pushing through the fear and letting the world see who you are. "Fear lets us know we are alive. It tells me that you care about what happens between us because the mind doesn't waste time being scared about things that don't matter." Ahhhhh "Living is hard. And every day our feet get heavier and we pick up more baggage. So, we stop and take a breath, close your eyes, reset our minds. It's natural. As long as you open your eyes and keep going." Cora Carmack did such a fantastic job weaving the story together. I loved Losing it but ahhh I loved this one too! They're pretty equal for me! They're very different and deal with different issues and different types of characters and situations. This book actually reminded me a little of an adult version of Lola and the Boy Next Door! I actually think this story would make a great movie! It played in my head like a classic romantic comedy just like losing it did and I'm loving that about her books!! It makes it hard to put down, easy to read, and so addicting. "Even the good things from our pasts still only belonged in the past." If you're in the mood for something quick and fun definitely pick this one up!!! Especially if your craving a classic romantic comedy! "I'm glad you for fought for me." she said. "I'm glad you let me."

Photo of Samantha
Samantha @walkinglibrary
4 stars
Mar 2, 2022

I really enjoyed it. I was a fan of Losing It and this one was just as good. I really loved the characters. Which is surprising because I don't usually go for the "Golden boys". But Cade was an exception. He made me fall for him.

Photo of Camila
Camila @camie
4 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Me gustó mucho! Creo que serán más como 3.75 estrellas ya que igual encontré que faltó un poco más de contenido. Cade y Max me agradaron mucho más que Garrick y Bliss, me gustó como Cade tomó el tema de estar enamorado de Bliss tan bien como lo hizo. La forma en que los personajes se enamoraron fue muy linda y fiel a sus personalidades. Me gustaría que hubiera una segunda parte, necesito más de estos dos. Pero gracias a este libro he decidido leer más de Cora Carmack, me gusta mucho su estilo, es simple y entretenido.

Photo of Elaine
5 stars
Nov 16, 2021

I loved this even more than the first one! The characters were more realistic and the whole plot was well thought out. There were moments where I laughed and also moments where I shed a tear or two, just because I could relate so much. It was also quite addicting. I read whole nights, one time also until 6 am...I just couldn't bring myself to stop reading!!! This was a wonderful, fun, entertaining read, but still had a depth to it, which made it more realistic and plausible.

Photo of Kristen
3 stars
Oct 29, 2021

Nothing special, but it was definitely cute and fun. I'll check out the other books in the series when I want something quick and light. There wasn't really a plot besides the romance, and sometimes, like this weekend, that's exactly what I'm looking for. I had some problems with the main character, Max. She wasn't entirely likeable for me. I felt like she was trying too hard to be edgy and punk-rock and it just didn't feel like that was really who she was. I couldn't see what Cade liked about her so much. I did really like that Cade was a "good guy". I've been reading a lot about girls getting all tied up over bad boys, and it's getting really... REALLY old. I myself have always been a good guy type of girl, I've never really been interested in the bad boys personally, so seeing a good guy get his love story was really awesome.

Photo of b.andherbooks
5 stars
Oct 9, 2021

Re-Read from 04.13.15 - 04.14.15. Upgraded review to five stars. This is my FAVORITE Cora Carmack. I'm sticking with my embarrassment of the title and cover, but holy gee this is a steamy, sexy AND sweet story. I love that this is a "New Adult" not tied up with drugs, rape, and violence. I love that Max ditches her shitty boyfriend to be with Cade that the drama in the story isn't dependent on lies. Both characters tell the truth, which is why there is tension. And oh the glorious tension. PLUS, the characters really like each other and get to know each other. The build up is realistic (which makes it hotter) and the chemistry feels real. AND they laugh together. So important. Bravo. My favorite lines: [She] had been exactly what I thought I'd wanted. A friendship evolved into something more. Loving and kind. Sweet and safe. Max scared me shitless. And it was much better. He fixed his eyes on me, and desire outweighed my fears. The way he looked at me made my skin sing with electricity. It wasn't just that he made me feel attractive. Any guy on the street with wandering eyes...could do that. He made me feel...special, which sounded so damn cheesy that I could choke...He made me feel like the melody instead of the accompaniment. I'll take my chances against your fickle heart if it means it's mine. Despite the terrible title and cover, this was a super sweet and fun story. Max is a tattooed badass rock singer who is trying to forget her older sister's death, and Cade is the nice boy who coaches inner city youth in acting and has a broken heart over the girl who got away. When Max's super judgmental parents come to town, she enlists Cade as her pretend boyfriend. Sparks fly, but will Max's hang-ups kill any chance at a real relationship?

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

I love this book SO. HARD. It was even better the second time around. Full review to come!

Photo of Lisa ✩ @lifeinlit
Lisa ✩ @lifeinlit@lifeinlit
5 stars
Aug 30, 2021

This review may contain spoilers for Losing It, the first book in this series. This is the kind of book that makes me love my book blogging hobby. Some books I read make me feel a little drained and almost like it's a chore to read and review... but oh boy, not this one AT ALL! I had trouble putting it down just to leave the house for work. It was seriously THAT good! Dare I say I liked it even more than Losing It? I think I can honestly say that. Faking It is one of my top reads of 2013. Max seems to be spiraling downward... at least in her parents' eyes. She's off on her own, following her dream of becoming a singer in a band. Her parents have a hard time accepting this. After the loss of Max's sister, her parents have turned overprotective and demanding... and Max is having a hard time handling it all. She rebels by getting tattoos, dying her hair, and dating "bad boys" her parents wouldn't approve of... yet oddly this is all behind the backs of her parents. For reasons she holds within herself, she can't seem to show her parents her true self. Instead she covers up her body art and acts all prim and proper around them, as not to disappoint them. But why can't they just accepted her for who she really is? Cade, who completely won over my heart when he first appeared in Losing It, is head over heals for his unavailable BFF, Bliss. He's trying to get over her and move on with his life, and in the process his runs into Max. It all starts off with a lie... Cade acting as Max's boyfriend to impress her parents that unexpectedly showed up... but the chemistry and attraction between Cade and Max was hard for either one of them to deny, no matter how hard they both tried. Okay, I'm just going to say it... this reminded me a lot of Dare You To. I think it was the whole bad girl/good boy aspect of it. Not that Max was "bad" by any means, but she was troubled and rebelling. Then we had Cade, who was too good for his own good. Such a sweetheart. I really enjoy the switch from the whole bad-boy thing we see far too often in books. I do love me some bad boys... but good boys are pretty awesome too. :) The relationship between these two was the type of relationship I long to read about in my books... total opposites that seem totally wrong for each other, yet can't seem to stay apart. They compliment each other in the best ways possible and make the other want to be a better person. They bring out the good in each other, no matter how tortured their past was or how unstable and emotional their present is. Their relationship just works. As one of my top series, I find it hard to believe I could ever be disappointed in these books. Carmack continues to surprise and amaze me with this series and where each book heads. It seems they are so different, yet so similar at the same time. I'm so excited for this fall when Finding It is set to be released. I have a feeling I just may love that one too. :D Thanks to William Morrow/HarperCollins and Edelweiss for providing the copy for review. Find this review and others like it at Lost in Literature!

Photo of  Bruna Acioly Leão
Bruna Acioly Leão@bruna
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

3.5 This was a fun, cutesy (and sexy) romance novel. Nothing special though. The audiobook was well narrated and easy to listen to.

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters
4 stars
Aug 3, 2021

3.5 stars.

Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
3 stars
Mar 25, 2024
Photo of Rahmat Junaid
Rahmat Junaid@rahmat
4 stars
Mar 20, 2024
Photo of Cristina Martinez
Cristina Martinez@literalbook
5 stars
Dec 7, 2023
Photo of Petaco
1 star
Jul 15, 2023
Photo of Manda
5 stars
Mar 2, 2023
Photo of Samantha bolton
Samantha bolton@sam89
2 stars
Feb 16, 2023
Photo of Nicole
2 stars
Jan 2, 2023
Photo of devin.reads
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023
Photo of Annefleur
3 stars
Oct 31, 2022