Curse Breaker Kingdom of Runes

4.5/5 You’re telling me the third installment isn’t even out yet?!?!??!?!? Well, I really really enjoyed this!!! I really liked where the author took the plot and I truly have absolutely no clue what to expect from the third book when it’s released, but OMG I CANNOT WAIT! This book really did it for me. There was a good plot that kept me interested, romance, AND we learned more about these characters and the worlds history! I also did actually really enjoy getting the split points of view from both Haven as well as Bell. I think Bell’s storyline was actually really interesting (although very predictable at times). I liked the new relationship we got to see build between Bell and the Creature, although I did find some parts a little random at times. I think that the main plot with Haven was a good extension to the plot set up in the first book and I’m definitely excited to see where it goes! (I will say though, I feel like the events in Curse Breaker feel a lot like an ending book, but I guess we will se how this series manages to continue?). Now for the romance. I was anticipating to get more romance in this book and we definitely got it! I really loved Haven and Archeron’s relationship developing throughout this book. I will say however, I do think there was a really big jump between the end of the first book setting up a potential romance, to Archeron instantly being in love with Haven. I also felt as though a lot of their romance scenes felt a little repetitive in the sense that they all started and ended pretty much the same. Despite that, I did really enjoy their relationship and am intrigued to how they end up. (Ps, I don’t really think this book should be classified as a young adult as there is definitely adult content in this book!). NOW STOLAS!!!! This boy really climbed his way up my list of favorite characters in this series!!! I absolutely loved seeing more into his past and learning more about him as a character. Part of my lowkey wants him and Haven to get together, but I mustn’t betray my love of Archeron. We also BETTER SEE STOLAS AGAIN IN THIS NEXT BOOK!!!! Overall, I think was a nice satisfying sequel to this series, and I can’t wait for the third book to be released so I can jump right back into this world!

Omg this one was amazing. I love Stolas and then the plot twists are just amazing.

Ebook provided by the author in exchange of an honest review. We left Haven, Archeron and Stolas in Oathtaker, the first fighting for her life (at the beginning of cursebreaker she is almost dead by a Vorgrath attack), the second wondering about Haven’s whereabouts and the last one contemplating the void. Rook is still dying and Surai is staying by her side and Bjorn is still seeing things. I would say we started good! We finally see Archeron worried over Haven, we have a glimpse of his emotions and we learn that solis have to keep back their deepest anger, so they do not destruct everything. Haven trains with Stolas in her dreams (they made a pact in the first book, which included her being trained). I can’t say a lot without spoiler, but let me tell you that this is a perfect sequel, it was even better: more adventure, more romance (yay!), more everything. Few things that were left unsolved in the first book finally got answered. I loved this book, I wish I had the sequel right now! Final vote: 5/5 ☆ Quote: stop longing to be less, Haven, and accept that you are more. Stop apologizing for the fire inside you. Instead, burn and burn like the sun until you set the world ablaze.


Amazing! This was the first book I stumbled into by Audrey and all I can say is wow! Just when you think you have things figured out in the story it takes a different turn you didn’t see coming. If you’re looking for a book to be sucked into, this is it! The Kingdom is Runes has quickly become my all time favorite series.