America You've Been Hustled

America You've Been Hustled

Liberal Socialist Democrats (the "LSD" Party) have insidiously changed this country to fit their delusional utopianism over the last 100 years; Barack Obama said he would "Fundamentally Transform the United States of America;" he was right. Socialism hasn't worked anywhere, so why do they think it will work here? Future generations will hold all democrats, moderate republicans, liberal judges, liberal universities, labor union leaders, public school systems, liberal media elites, Madison Avenue and Hollywood responsible for destroying the greatest country in history. How do these liberal socialist democrats and their sycophants "HUSTLE" the votes of the poor, seniors, women, Black Americans, Latino Americans, the young, homosexuals, climate wackos and other minorities to gain power and control? They promise benefits from the public treasury... Other people's money! Democrats use deception and class warfare between Americans so they can gain and maintain power. They need the poor to stay poor, and other "groups" to feel disadvantaged so they can con them into thinking they "care." They only care about more power, more control, more money and more fame... Their drug of choice! That's why they hustle/con the poor into believing they can't succeed without governments' help. They don't dare educate, inspire or motivate them to the success of entrepreneurial capitalism. Tell me the last time a democrat on a Sunday morning news program told an uplifting story of how a poor person overcame all obstacles to succeed and move from poverty to prosperity? You can't, because it doesn't serve the LSD party! Why the poor settle for socialist crumbs is a sad mystery... How do the poor move from poverty to prosperity? Education and hard work within a God-fearing, free-market, capitalist society - where God is the author of our destiny, past, present and future... Liberal socialist democrats are the modern day slave traders, and the government is their plantation! Just read Dr. Walter E. Williams' "The State Against Blacks." The most socialist countries around the world are failing, and the most socialist cities and states in America are being crushed and filing bankruptcy, but the LSD Party will never give up. Don't believe me - compare the suffering of North Koreans to the highly prosperous South Koreans, or California to Texas, or Detroit to Dallas. Socialism has never worked! Any honest study proves this... How is this going to end? Predictably, in the proverbial gutter, just like so many addictions end. Maybe then, we can hit the reset button and get back to the "Pursuit of Happiness" in the greatest country in history... If Americans can put men on the moon - we can fix these problems, but we must elect God fearing men of integrity first. That is the essence of this book. We absolutely must must elect conservative "statesmen" instead of the smooth talking liberal socialist democrat celebrity "hustlers." If nothing is done soon, babies born today will be looking at $2 trillion per year in annual interest on the federal debt before they leave college. It will be too late then!
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