Death Star

Really really enjoyed this. The final third of the book is A New Hope from the Death Star's perspective, which fleshed out a lot of backstory. There are a lot of characters, which were a bit difficult to keep track of at times, but it got easier and made for a really in-depth story. An excellent read for any Star Wars fan, even those who may not be interested in going full in to the expanded universe.

I really enjoyed this book as it gives some great background into the first Death Star. The story also explains a lot of the plot incongruities of Star Wars Episode IV. Things like, how did Han Solo and Luke Skywalker manage to get by the Death Star security so easy? Who was it that gave away the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance? And most importantly, who is the librarian on the Death Star? That would be Atour Riten, and I tweet as him on twitter. http://twitter.com/atourriten. Please follow him. I greatly enjoy tweeting as the Death Star librarian.

Took a while to get going, but was great once it did. A neat read about from the point of view of those on the Death Star leading up to the Battle of Yavin.