Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash Fighting for the Underdog

This bio will be a favorite among your readers. From the beginning of his career, country music legend Johnny Cash, "The Man in Black," was seen as a rebel, a perception solidified when he took the stage for his famous concert at Folsom State Prison in 1968. Born in Arkansas during the Great Depression, as a child Cash endured poverty, the death of his older brother, and a difficult relationship with his father. He turned to gospel and country music to express his pain, and eventually his songs of hardship and hope reached the ears of those waiting for an artist who represented them, ordinary people fighting to survive, just as he fought to survive his own lifelong battle with addiction. Over the decades, his career soared and floundered, and then, very late in life, soared again, as he found a whole new audience of young people who responded to the hard, gritty truths he poured into every song: a true rebel with a cause.
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