
“ Will you let me in, River? Will you keep the walls down and open for me? Not just today, not just right now, but tomorrow and the day after as well?” ⠀⠀ * I received an arc for my honest review * ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Ok this book was such a amazing, thoughtful, sexy read. These kinds of books, where something dramatic has happened to both main characters that bring them closer to each other, is just my kind of books. The way Erica, the author, wrote this story just touches my heart and kept me captivated for the whole book. I refused to put this book down for anything else than bathroom breaks. This book deals with pretty heavy topics but that just strengthens this story. I need something real to read about and not just 2 people falling in love at first sight and then everything is ok. I need these heavy topics. The two main characters really cares about each other and learns from each other and I find that really cute and amazing after what they both have gone through. The character development is also pretty huge and I am so proud of both of them. This is book 2 in this story, I have not read the first one so this one is a standalone kind of book. The characters from book one is in this book a lot but you don’t have to read book one of you don’t like to read series. I personally really liked this book, A LOT, and I am definitely gonna read every book Erica has published / will publish! ⠀⠀