
This arc lacks any compelling reasons why I should care about Valence, or his mission.

Target Valance is a big improvement on the previous volume, Galaxy's Deadliest. This series is still a 90s throwback of fighting and space fights. However, Valance gets a personality. Or at least, a little bit of a personality and a lot more backstory, that makes him a fascinating bounty hunter. This series is sheer Star Wars fun - don't expect deep lore. Expect space battles and fights. Be surprised by some tender storytelling. I actually think next to Greg Pak's run on Darth Vader, this might become one of the best series Marvel is producing. I'd totally watch a show with Valance (or movie) BTW. His storyline is like a mixture of The Terminator meets The Mandalorian meets Claudia Gray's Lost Stars and I'm friggin' HERE FOR IT. So, yay, better backstory for Valance, makes this a way more interesting run. And the next volume promises a run-in with fan-favorite: Boba Fett. So, I think this series is only gonna get better.