Fight Club

One of the best books I have ever read in a long time. I’ve watched the film a few years ago, so I was able to perfectly picture each character and how the story unfolds. I personally love how the perspective from the narrator to Tyler Durden changes but it’s very subtle. So as the reader, you’re still the narrator witnessing how Tyler Durden makes a difference leaving you confused just like the main protagonist. The book also does a good job portraying somebody with split personality and how scary that could be having to shut yourself out while a different version of ‘you’ is out there making decisions for yourself. This book always had me on edge, but I would read this book again. Absolutely a timeless piece.

I went into this book blind, cramming to finish it for my major. Best decision ever — except for the fact that I’ve been palpitating for hours now due to the coffee I’ve consumed just to stay awake.

great manual to diying explosives! probably need a few testosterone injections to fully understand this one

not a book i’d usually read but i watched the movie for the first time last week and became OBSESSED with it (david fincher i love u) so naturally i had to read the book

There’s an afterword in here that really put a sour taste in my mouth as well as some plot points toward the end that seemed thematically redundant. I did enjoy it, but it’s one of those cases where I’d rather watch the movie.

This is finally the book that got me out of my reading slump !! Even if i saw thé movie i was hooked the whole time as if i did not know anything about the story. I loved the afterword and learned a lot reading it and I cam now able to flex some random knowledge about the book and all 😎

Alright, let's dive into 'Fight Club' by Chuck Palahniuk. First off, let me just say this book is... well, it's weird. And not necessarily in a good way, at least not for me. It's like I'm not the target audience or something because I just couldn't get into it. It left me feeling a bit unsettled, to be honest. But hey, here's the twist - the ending? That got me. It was surprisingly intriguing and left me thinking long after I put the book down. It's like the weirdness finally made sense, in its own twisted way.

This is one of those books where everyone is an asshole. While I enjoyed the movie enough, this sort of nihilism is not only unappealing to me, but downright unhelpful. Maybe I would have enjoyed this if I was younger, but the writing style didn't captivate me and the ideology made me roll my eyes. Perhaps this is one of those books that is important in defining a generation, but has since become outdated. I mean, any 16-year-old can make the same comments and opinions about living in late-capitalist America. Anyone can point out the cracks in the system, but what happens from there? Do you try to find a way to make it better or blow it all away? The latter is how we are in the position we are now as a country. Yeah, you can go in a basement and get your teeth knocked out, but if you don't have any vision or concept of the future, you're no better than the worker drones you criticize.


I’m not supposed to talk about it.

gente nao entendi nada! fui ler a resenha e todo mundo falando que também não entendeu nada mas deu 5 estrelas pq esse é o conceito. Gente que conceito de livro é esse que nada faz sentido, não estou entendendo nada que ta acontecendo, não tenho qualquer apego por qualquer personagem, não me importo com o que vai acontecer em seguida… Aquele capitulo final demorei um tempão pra entender que era o autor falando e não o personagem pra vcs verem o quanto eu estava entendendo a história. Detalhe: não entendi nada que acontecia o tempo todo mas sempre soube o plot twist do livro, pq o autor deixava óbvio o tempo todo. Na minha opinião não precisava dar aquele tanto de dica. Talvez eu seja simplesmente burra e esse for o caso, perdão ao autor. Vou ter que ler de novo dai uns anos quanto tiver na casa dos 30 pra ver se faz mais sentido. Enfim ne, acho que o filme deve ser melhor, vamos ver.

I really liked the style of this book. My first Palahniuk. I’ve watched the movie, of course, so I knew the story and the twist, but it was presented in a very interesting way. All the repetition really hammered home both the reveal and the nihilistic philosophy. This philosophy, the fascist/anarchist movement that grows from it and its “men’s rights” basis (as well as some real life incidents of lone wolf terrorism) makes me consider Palahniuk a little prescient in regards to the current American political climate, considering the novel is 20 years old.

Quite honestly, difficult to take in. It was interesting, fast-paced, thought provoking and quite a ride, from beginning to end. Although I must say I would not recommend it for someone going through a rough patch emotionally wise. That being said: fantastic.

bro wtf

This book was so out of my comfort zone and at first I didn’t like it, but it kept getting better and better. Some parts were really confusing because a lot of information is withheld from the reader at first and then revealed later, which makes this one hell of a page turner.

Actual rating: 4.5⭐ (I also haven't watched the film adaptation before reading) CW: Violence and death, mental health and health issues, pornographic content. The first rule about Fight Club is you don't talk about fight club. But ... This is the first-ever satirical novel I've read. Being a satire novel I admit it took me a while to get hook with this book. But then amazing things happen when you don't give up! After few chapters from the book (Chapter 6 to be exact) is when things got good and I was surprised when I read the afterword which states that the original Fight Club is a short story published in an anthology and this is the whole chapter 6! Things that got me hooked: ✔ BRILLIANT ✔ Mind-blowing ✔ Dark ✔ Gruesome ✔ Reality depiction ✔ Self-discovery ✔ Overcoming circumstances ✔ Fuck the rich, entitled, and privileged society IT'S NEVER ABOUT THE FIGHT, IT'S ABOUT THE RULES!

There are parts of this book that can give men orgasm. Overall a good book

unironically so good

I am Jack's sense of awe.

I re-read this book for the first time in over ten years. I’m in my late twenties now, and while reading this I realized; this is where it all began for me. I read the majority of Palahniuk’s bibliography in my teenage years, before I could even properly pronounce his name. His writing still has an effect on me to this day. I can’t help but swallow it whole, bones and all. Fight Club is formative. Fight Club is eye-opening. Fight Club makes you who you are. I am a reader to this day because of books like this. I am grateful to have revisited such a classic story.

A little bit confusing at first, but the plot twist was amazing!! The build up to the plot twist was also really cool, the moment when you realise what is actually happening feels so weird. Also loved this writing style. Some parts were very relatable and the characters were super interesting.

Tyler Durden Rules!!!

In the immortal words of Robot Chicken - What a Twist!

The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. The second rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. :)

There are a lot of things we don’t want to know about the people we love.

Je ne voulais pas, mais Tyler m'a tout expliqué, en détail, mourir sans la moindre cicatrice, en avoir assez de ne regarder combattre que des professionnels, vouloir en savoir plus sur soi-même.
Il a parlé d'autodestruction.
À l'époque, ma vie me donnait l'impression d'être trop complète, et peut-être qu'il nous faut tout démolir pour faire quelque chose de mieux de nous même.
Les processus psychologiques de ce roman me fascinent.

Nulle part vous n'êtes vivant comme vous êtes vivant au Fight Club [...] lorsqu'on se réveille le dimanche après-midi, on se sent sauvé.

Après une soirée au Fight Club, tout ce qui est du monde de la vraie vie se retrouve atténué, en sourdine. Plus rien ne vous fout en rogne. Votre parole fait la loi, et s'il en est qui enfreignent cette loi, ou vous remettent en question, même ça, ça ne vous fout pas en rogne.
Plus rien ne peut nous rejoindre, nous affecter. C'est une évasion du monde extérieur, de tous ses problèmes et ses mal-êtres.

Il numero tre mi pesta finché ha tutta la mano sbucciata.
Finché mi metto a piangere.
Tutto quello che hai amato ti respinge o muore.
Tutto quello che hai creato sarà gettato via.
Tutto quello di cui sei orgoglioso finirà in immondizia.
Io sono Ozymandias, re dei re.

«Perché dovrei credere a una storia del genere?»
Succede così, in un lampo.
Perché credo di volerti bene.
«Di amarmi no?» chiede Marla.
È un momento già abbastanza complicato così, dico io. Non pretendere troppo.

Tutta notte i tuoi pensieri sono in onda.
Sto dormendo? Ho mai dormito? Così va l’insonnia.
Cerchi di rilassarti un po’ di più a ogni respiro, ma il tuo cuore galoppa ancora e i pensieri ti turbinano nella testa.

Io sono la bocca di Tyler.
Io sono le mani di Tyler.

Quattordici dollari in contanti.

Io sono il cuore spezzato di Tizio perché Tyler mi ha mollato

«Tu non sei un delicato e irripetibile fiocco di neve».

Tyler mi ha chiesto contro che cosa combattevo in realtà.
Quello che dice Tyler dell'essere una merda e gli schiavi della storia, cosi mi sentivo. Avevo voglia di distruggere tutte le cose belle che non avrei mai avuto.
Volevo che il mondo intero toccasse il fondo.

A Tyler non importava se qualcun altro si faceva male o no. Lo scopo era far prendere coscienza a ciascun partecipante al progetto del potere che ha di controllare la storia.
Noi, ciascuno di noi, possiamo assumere il controllo del mondo.

[…], ma la prima regola del Progetto Caos è che non si fanno domande sul Progetto Caos.

Niente è statico.
Tutto va a pezzi.