Swords in the Mist/Swords Against Wizardry Books 3 And 4
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser visit the Witch's Tent to consult a sorceress who holds the secret to their escape-but when would they ever need to escape? Their luck has been good so far; one way out should work. Their luck continues as thieves. They are the best thieves in Lankhmar until better positions arise: The Lords of Quarmall. Gray Mouser and Fafhrd steal a kingdom within a hill and declare themselves Lords.

Jose Vera@lectoreclectico
Tercera recopilación de las aventuras del bárbaro Fahrd y el Ratonero Gris. Las aventuras de estos grandes espadachines y mejores amigos los harán huir de Lankhmar, viviendo aventuras en el mar y en una tierra extraña a donde Ningauble los transporta. Hice una reseña del libro en mi blog: http://lectorcompulsivo.com/2015/09/e...

Aaron J Mitchell@captainacrab

Jason Porterfield@katzenpatsy