Dead Portraits in a Living Room

Dead Portraits in a Living Room

All the poems between My Momma Did Say I Would Meet A Girl Like You and Untitled are observations, reminiscences, and insights stories within a story. Using the river motif and oral tradition in Untitled the poet underscores certain thematic and analogous paradigms within a socio-cultural, geo-political landscape. This landscape is America. Why America? Well, Long Creek runs from the back of our house into the Roaring River. Moreover, all the diverse rivers of the world run into the great rivers of America. Similarly, peoples from across the globe stream into America the land of opportunity. America then, has become an inter-cultural, intracultural dynamic; framework a cauldron that brews an alchemy of ideas that is characteristic of a renewed people called Americans. Many of the poems, their titles and the images within them, find a connection, a culmination even, in the last poem of this collection, the revelation Untitled.
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