Half Way Home

I should start by saying that I wasn't aware this was a young adult novel when I started reading it. Had I known, I probably wouldn't have read it. I love Hugh Howey but I have been disappointed by so many YA novels lately that I tend to stay away from them. Half Way Home wasn't such a bad read. The premise of the book is interesting and I enjoyed the first few pages a lot. But it went downhill from there... What made it really difficult for me to enjoy this book was the narrative style. Too dry, lacking of emotion, it just didn't feel right. It didn't feel like it was a 15-year-old telling the story, it actually felt more like a machine. The characters themselves are non-existent and unsympathetic, I couldn't have cared less what happened to them. I think what I disliked most about this book is its constant moralizing tone. That really spoilt it for me.

Interesting, but not as thought provoking as his other work, and not as engaging.