Hard Eight A Stephanie Plum Novel

This book gave me so many mix feelings. It was the first in the series to not make me bust out laughing, sure I chuckled and it made me smile, but nothing like the previous books. The plot was both different in a good way and in a bad way. I felt like we didn't get a real feel for the mother and daughter and because of that when she tried to explain everything to Stephanie I was unsure how to feel. The ending was thrown together if felt and strange. The worst and best part were the last few pages, you wanted to love ranger in a new respect but also wonder how him and joe worked so well together when they both know the other wants them gone. All in all it was an easy and fast read but not as enjoyable as the previous.

Love Ranger, starting to warm up to Morelli. Awesome series so far, completely hilarious made me laugh out loud several times

Ughhh, I love Morelli AND Ranger!!