
It is a deeply sad story about a mute man who was not loved and was just held like a slave, so much so that he lost his understanding of his own power of choice. Therefore, he was forced to give away the only creature that did indeed love him.
It is a brilliantly written short story! It is an homage to the unconditional love of a paw friend and shows off the evil that lies in a simple human mind that is egoistic and unhappy, and therefore no one else is allowed to be happy. This book did touch me deeply, and I am sure that I will still a long time be thinking about Garasim and Mumu.

Ibragimova Renata@renata_mode

Dmitry Gorshkov@fdeth

Nikita @nikitad


Sasha Lukavchenko@sashalook


Greta G.@gretaetoya

Philip Seifi@seifip