The perfect game
He's a game she never intended to play, and she's the game changer he never knew he needed. When Cassie meets rising baseball hopeful Jack, she is determined to steer clear of him and his typical cocky attitude. But Jack has other things on his mind ... like getting Cassie to give him the time of day. Sometimes life gets ugly before it gets beautiful ...

Sarah Kessler@pdxskigirl
2.5 conflicted stars... Lots of NA angst (yes, including drunken cheating). I almost walked away a couple of times, but something kept me going to the HEA (or HFN, since there's more to the series?). Both MCs are hard to connect to (at different times), but this is a dual-POV story, which helps. Both need a good sit down with a get-a-grip friend (since Melissa and Dean don't quite cut it), but several major plot points wouldn't have happened if that were the case.

Raquel @ojedaraquel
A series of stupid events.


Prerana agrawal@prerana


Shavonne Briggs @shavonnebriggs

Taylor Mohr@tmoney


Kristina Sanders@ksanders013

Kristina Sanders@ksanders013

Jessica Thomas @sincerelypsycho

Carissa @ciacobucci

Ashley Wendt@undertheasktra

Shelby Hall@shelbyhall

Rachel Metzger@ladydeath

Kaitlin Cassell@castlerox66

Ashley Patane@ashleypatane

Ashley Patane@ashleypatane

Lauren Rose@lerose5961

Chelsea Bates@colorofmysky


Ana Matti@mattsana

Anney Ernst@anneythebooknerd

Andrea Fritz@aayaya