
thus is awful

Was wanting more

comically and i mean comically bad

I love this book from the very first page, Calvin Character drew you in while Grace was different.
The story was exciting and the twist in this book was shocking and left me speechless.
Will definitely recommend this book, very intense read .

Go into this book with the mindset that it’s going to be corny, this book is not written to mimic real life. I think realizing that right away helped my expectations!! Not a bad book, not typically what I go for when reading. The ending is a twist but I knew something was off with both main characters!! The characters aren’t super likable, you keep reading to figure out wtf is going on. Similar to the show succession. A super easy and quick read as well if you’re looking to switch it up but don’t know where to start! It has two POVs from a FMM and MMM. There is a romance scene! Audiobook adds an additional flair to the story telling if you’re into that.

Extremely engaging. Twist ending. Enjoyed the chapter by chapter perspectives.

Finished it in two days. Couldn’t put it down. The ending seemed a little rushed i won’t lie but overall a great read.

The beginning and end were so good and so interesting but damn the middle sucked the living hell out of me. I will say this I didn’t see the end coming (i never do istg) but that doesn’t makeup for the fact that throughout the whole book I wanted to die.

It was very predictable.

The feel of this book kept just enough creep to get me to the end, but I still wasn't attached enough to anyone to get invested. The ending almost saved the book for me, though.

It was just ok. Anyone who has read The Perfect Marriage will see that twist coming a mile away. I personally don’t like when authors just copy and paste the plot from their previous works onto their newer works. There’s also something about a character being a certain way throughout the whole book and then making a complete 180 during the last few chapters that’s just odd. I found the development lacking, none of the characters really made sense. And it was so over the top. Literally anything from getting stung by a bee, to fishing was somehow a metaphor for life and I found that a little cheesy. It was still an ok read, I wouldn’t be quick to recommend it. (I would, however, recommend her previous work, The Perfect Marriage. I feel like it’s a better version of this one).

This girl continually made really, really stupid decisions. The timeline didn't make sense. The townspeople were horrible. Also, the whole AirBnb was just strange. None of it made sense, especially since we spent a lot of time in her head. 85% of the book was an uncomfortable "romance" that was chock full of red flags. The ending, in my opinion, did not make sense. Nothing that happened cause me to look back and think "ohhhhhh I get it now". Instead, it just left me more confused and left me asking WHY?


See? Magic. It’s easy to be fooled by pretty things. We look at them and think something special went into creating them, like extra time was spent, like they are good because of their beauty. I rarely trust beautiful things.