
this aged horribly. the worst parts of gallagher girls meet the naturals. however, i am a whore for jack so yeehaw!

Good for post reading Gallagher Girls. Loved Toby's dry humor and sarcasm. Perfect and especially relatable when I went to cheer camp.

I have to say, I'm loving all of Jennifer Lynn Barnes's books! This book shows that appearances can be deceiving. A group of cheerleaders are not necessarily the stereotypical cheerleaders as is the case of this story. From page 1, this book was engaging and captivating. While it is a simple read, it leaves the reader aching for more.

I love the quick, simple, yet engaging read that this series is. It's perfect after I've had a stressful day and just need to unwind.

The Squad: Perfect Cover is the first of two books about a group of high school girls who are actually government agents that operate to create situations in which other government agencies like the CIA can step in and arrest criminals. Not the most unusual premise I've ever seen, but it comes close. Jennifer Lynn Barnes is a master at giving voice to her characters, and this book is no different. The story works because we see it through the eyes of Toby, who becomes part of The Squad, even though she hates cheerleaders and sees herself as the opposite of what a cheerleader has to be. As a computer hacker and a third level white belt in Karate, she fits the role of secret agent perfectly if only she can remember the words to the next cheer. The story is very light, but also a fun read. Many questions are left unanswered at the end of the book, but I assume those are addressed in the sequel, The Squad, Killer Spirit.