
We found this audiobook on CD at a sale somewhere. I picked it up and tossed it in the pile, but it’s so hard for me to listen to audiobooks. I love them, but I swear if I even LOOK at one it’s like party time in front of me. The kids just have a sixth sense. I swear they do! However, my blog did some fruity loops stuff yesterday and I had to clean up a bunch of code. Well that is just busy work so I figured, I could give this book a whirl. After all, it was only 3 hours. So that’s not too difficult. And the kids descended. But, I still managed to finish the audiobook so that’s pretty good. I’m fairly sure that this is only possible due to there only being a whopping 3 discs. So why this? Well, I have to tell you that I do love my Vulcans, however, Q is hands down my favourite character in the Star Trek Universe. He’s just so fun. You never know exactly what you are going to get when he pays the Enterprise a visit. You never know what he’s going to say, either. John de Lancie is just absolutely awesome in the role of Q. So imagine the treat to find a book that’s told entirely from Q’s point of view! And even better, I can listen to it from the voice of Q, himself! It’s like a Star Trek dream come true. The story is Q-riffic. What’s not included? EVERYTHING is included! It has to be, it’s Q! More or less, the story involves Q trying to stop the end of the universe. Data and Captain Picard get sucked into the fun because, well Q loves them. I swear, I’m waiting for Picard to dump a teacup full of “Earl Grey Hot” over Q’s head. So many good points, I can’t even begin to count them all. I think my favourite scene, however, is without a shadow of a doubt – The M continuum. Basically these people pop in on the Q Continuum and are like “Hi, surely you know us! What you don’t? Whatev. We were here first so Hasta La Pasta!” Only of course Q couldn’t stand for that. This gets five out of five stars from me solely for the reason that Q gets a smack down AND it’s read by Q. Honestly, you had me at the picture of Q. John de Lancie was the icing on the cake.