Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth

Joss Whedon2020
Buffy and Angel meet for the first time - but are they friends or enemies? Joss Whedon’s pop culture icons come together for their first ever comic book event to face the world-ending event hundreds of years in the making—the opening of the gates to the Hellmouth! BUFFY AND ANGEL MEET FOR THE FIRST TIME - BUT ARE THEY FRIENDS OR ENEMIES? Buffy and Angel meet face-to-face in the world-ending event hundreds of years in the making—the opening of the gates to the Hellmouth! Buffy and her Scooby Gang will have to muster all their strength as they deal with an open Hellmouth that threatens the lives of everyone they love in Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Angel, the vampire cursed with a soul, arrives in town to find his redemption by doing whatever it takes to close the Hellmouth...and no human, demon or Slayer will stand in his way. Writers Jordie Bellaire (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Redlands) & Jeremy Lambert (Doom Patrol) and artist Eleonora Carlini (Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers) brings Buffy and Angel face-to-face in the first ever comic book event featuring Joss Whedon’s pop culture icons!
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Photo of Zoë
3 stars
Sep 28, 2021

I was wondering why we didn’t get any Buffy in the Hellmouth. Am I… shipping Anya and Giles??? Help

Photo of Sophie Elaina
Sophie Elaina @sophieelaina
3 stars
Sep 30, 2022
Photo of Mary Lawrence
Mary Lawrence@marybooklover
3 stars
Jun 3, 2023
Photo of Ramona Crumlish
Ramona Crumlish@ramonac
3 stars
Jan 18, 2022
Photo of Aleena Korell
Aleena Korell@aleena
2 stars
Dec 15, 2021
Photo of Mary Lawrence
Mary Lawrence@marybooklover
4 stars
Nov 16, 2021
Photo of Loredana
4 stars
Nov 15, 2021