De la Tierra a la Luna

4/4'5* it was so much better than i expected!!!


From the title, you'd think this book was about the journey from the earth to the moon. And, like I was, you'd be a bit wrong. This book is about the pure gumption of Americans who think they can blast themselves off the earth and land on the moon. It's about figuring out what metal to use to create the ship, how they choose the place to blast off from, and the complicated science behind jet propulsion. So, in short, a lot more science and lengthy discussions about dirt than I initially imagined. I mean, I do love a good discussion about the pros and cons of Texas and Florida, but I was expecting to go to the moon. Most of this book (about 75%) happens on the earth. In fact, we didn't leave earth until the last three chapters. So, as someone who thought I would get lengthy descriptions about the surface of the moon and its residents, I was a little disappointed. The beginning was quite interesting. It was full of funny stories about the gun club, how these fascinating (and somewhat scary men) came up with the idea of the moon voyage, and the hilarious story about Much Ado About Nothing and that poor theatre owner. Then, a few chapters in, the story quickly became about science and metal and lengthy descriptions. I must admit, I was surprised at the lengths Verne researched. Most of his conclusions were super similar to the actual moon voyage in the 60s. Verne has a way of putting things that are so funny. I absolutely loved some of the happenings in the book. The fight between Texas and Florida was one of the funniest and most spot-on things I've ever read. In conclusion, this book was a little disappointing. It wasn't what I was expecting (which I suppose was my fault), but I did end up enjoying it. If you want some super sciency science-fiction, then pick up this book. Just don't expect a fast-paced adventure novel.

** spoiler alert ** Literalmente la única razón por la que le doy una estrella a esta cosa es porque al final los tres idiotas se quedan en su estupido proyectil flotando alrededor de la luna, y bien merecido por imbeciles

Breve, intenso y muy optimista, una obra maestra