Love Hurts
Even when she won't fight for us, I'll go to war for her... Inside the Octagon, I have no fear. I'm at home, in my element, inflicting pain onto men trained to hurt me just as badly. Making them submit, knocking them out, maiming them, because it's them or me. And I choose them. Outside the Octagon, my only weakness is a five-foot-two, classy as f*ck woman that I've loved for most of my life. She's the one that brings me to my knees, fills my arms, my heart, and one day soon, my bed. She makes me reckless. Volatile. I drink too much and try too hard to f*ck my way out of feeling-all because of her. Frankie De Rosa is my girl, my best friend. I haven't earned her yet, but I won't stand by and let anyone take her from me. She will be the greatest fight of my life, but she's worth the battle. Love hurts, but anything worth having does, right? I'm Deacon "The Hitman" Love-Welcome to the Cage.

Raven Dean@ravenluvs2read
Updated on Sept. 28, 2015 I am coming back after rereading this story again and I actually loved it this time around. The first time I gave it 3.5 stars but, I was kind of in a book funk. Anyway, Deacon Love, is Mr. Dominent, possessive, fighter, caring, dirty talking bad boy. His love for Frankie is real! You can just feel it through Mandi's words as she is writing from Deacon's pov. Frankie is your fiesty, small and tattooed dancer. She gives attitude like no one's business!! Such a fantastic debut novel and I can't wait to find out what happens next in Love Burns!!!

Haney Hayes PR@haneyhayespr
