Lud-In-the-Mist (MMP Latest) (con)
Lud-in-the-Mist - a prosperous country town situated where two rivers meet: the Dawl and the Dapple. The latter, which has its source in the land of Faerie, is a great trial to Lud, which had long rejected anything 'other', preferring to believe only in what is known, what is solid. Nathaniel Chanticleer is a somewhat dreamy, slightly melancholy man, not one for making waves, who is deliberately ignoring a vital part of his own past; a secret he refuses even to acknowledge. But with the disappearance of his own daughter, and a long-overdue desire to protect his young son, he realises that something is changing in Lud - and something must be done. Lud-in-the-Mist is a true classic, an adult fairy tale exploring the need to embrace what we fear and to come to terms with 'the shadows' - those sweet and dark impulses that our public selves ignore or repress.
Lorelei Petcu@loreleei
maitha mana@maithalikesapplepies
John Nettles@jnettl2
Laura Mauler@blueskygreenstrees
Kahli Scott@kahliscott
Martin Ackerfors@ackerfors
Sage McParland@sagemcp
Janice Hopper@archergal
Didi Chanoch@didichanoch
Erika Schmitz@ejschmitz13
Kerrie Webb@kwebb
Lisa Sieverts @agilelisa
Akanksha Chattopadhyay@akanksha_chattopadhyay
Nina @neena
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