Walking on Water

Walking on Water Reflections on Faith & Art

Examines the intricate relationship between faith and art by analyzing what makes art Christian and what it means to be a Christian artist.
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Photo of Sheila Goicea
Sheila Goicea@foalsfictionandfiligree
5 stars
Dec 23, 2021

5 stars. Hands down. How do you even give a review on a book like this that does it justice? Or, how to you write a review that's not longer than the book itself? You simply can't. If you want to get a peak at what's in store, just look at how many quotes I added from this book. I think it makes up about half of it altogether. L'Engle has left me utterly speechless. It took me a few months to get through this book. It isn't a "read in one sitting" type of book. If it is for you, then you have something great going. I liked to read a chapter, and let it sink in. It is just dripping with rich truth. I'd highly recommend for the Christian artist---you won't be disappointed. This review can also be viewed at my blog: She's Going Book Crazy

Photo of Kyra Ann Dawkins
Kyra Ann Dawkins@kyra_ann_writes
5 stars
Nov 2, 2021

Stunning in Its Vulnerability I have been a fan of L’Engle’s work for a long time. I may have even read this book before, but at a point in my life where I consumed words just for the sake of consumption, savoring nothing. This book means so much more to me now that I dare to be an artist in my own way. I feel encouraged to be faithful, relinquish control, and know through admitting that I don’t know.

Photo of Kim Tyo-Dickerson
Kim Tyo-Dickerson@kimtyodickerson
5 stars
Mar 1, 2022
Photo of Simon Elliott Stegall
Simon Elliott Stegall@sim_steg
4 stars
Dec 15, 2021
Photo of Dan Slozat
Dan Slozat@danfromthelibrary
5 stars
Nov 1, 2021