Marriage For One
Easy read

Marriage For One

Ella Maise2019
Jack and I, we did everything backward. The day he lured me into his office-which was also the first day we met-he proposed. You'd think a guy who looked like him-a bit cold maybe, but still striking and very unattainable-would only ask the love of his life to marry him, right? You'd think he must be madly in love.Nope. It was me he asked. A complete stranger who had never even heard of him. A stranger who had been dumped by her fiancé only weeks before. You'd think I'd laugh in his face, call him insane-and a few other names-then walk away as quickly as possible. Well...I did all those things except the walking away part.It took him only minutes to talk me into a business deal...erm, I mean marriage, and only days for us to officially tie the knot. Happiest day of my life. Magical. Pop the champagne... Not. It was the worst day. Jack Hawthorne was nothing like what I'd imagined for myself.I blamed him for my lapse in judgment.I blamed his eyes, the ocean blue eyes that looked straight into mine unapologetically, and that frown on his face I had no idea I would become so fascinated with in time.It wasn't long after he said I was the biggest mistake of his life that things started to change. No, he still didn't talk much, but anyone can string a few words together. His actions spoke the loudest to me. And day after day my heart started to get a mind of its own.One second he was no one. The next he became everything.One second he was unattainable. The next he seemed to be completely mine.One second I thought we were in love. The next it was still nothing but a lie.After all, I was Rose and he was Jack. We were doomed from the very beginning with those names. Did you expect anything else?
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Photo of Nora
3 stars
Jul 24, 2024

The story was dragged on for so long and the romance WAS the plot. It would’ve been more enjoyable if it was half the number of pages.

Photo of Chourouk
3 stars
Jul 12, 2024

3,5? :)))

Photo of aly
3 stars
May 30, 2024

3.75 i love me some domestic couple. definitely a great read!

Photo of aleksandra
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

4/5 I love them Your Honor. “I don’t have a home to go back to anymore, Rose.” I stopped, but didn’t look at him. “You’re my home,” he finished.” “I want you,” she said, her voice so small I could feel something breaking inside me. “I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.”

Photo of aleksandra
3 stars
Apr 2, 2024

3/5 It's been two years and I needed them okay. I need my own grumpy millionaire lawyer now. "We have a baby. I have you. I have everything I need right here in my arms. I've never been happier in my life ever since you walked into it, Rose. I don't know how to put what I feel for you in to words. Tell you what you mean to me. I love you seems so simple and not enough."

Photo of Isabella
Isabella @iscbella
3 stars
Mar 13, 2024

I liked this book, but it was an okay book. I enjoyed reading it, but I didn't grow attached to the chapters. The story was so cute and all the yearning and buildup was so good. However, the characters felt flat which is why I couldn't really be attached to them. There were lines that made my heart break and flutter, but that's it. The conflict was resolved too fast for my liking; I wanted more angst/comfort. Overall, I wouldn't say it's up there, but I didn't hate it.

Photo of alya adlina
alya adlina@leyabrary
5 stars
Jan 30, 2024

4.5 ⭑ “I don’t have a home to go back to anymore, Rose.” I stopped, but didn’t look at him. “You’re my home,” he finished.“ _ this book is so uputdownable, captivating and emotional. i really enjoyed reading this so much. the way my heart couldn’t take the sweetness between Jack and Rose is just 😖😖 this was slow burn yet fast paced i just loved everything the angsty, the romance LIKE IM LITERALLY SIMP. we got Jack and Rose as the main characters, Jack is the grumpiest man ever i can’t help but falling in love with him istg this man charmed me in every way his words, his frowns, his caring nature like no one can’t resist HIM. NO ONE. AND WE GOT ROSE I LOVE HER CHARACTER SO MUCH. she looks happy but can’t you believe she just got dumped with her ex fiancé and she lives and grew up alone without her family but she had a very big dream to open her own coffee shop. i just love her so much and i wish i could hug her. can we just talk about the way Rose counting Jake’s smile every TIME. LIKE THATS THE CUTEST THING EVER. this literally an enjoyable read i literally so into this book that i literally ditched my other physical book 😌 okay now let’s talk about the reason i didn’t give it 5 stars….it’s because the “reveal” of Jack’s guilt which was honestly i was a lil bit confused and i kinda like “what so suddenly” by the whole situation. i just thought is was a eye-roll worthy part. it shouldn’t be on this book. like they already perfect for each other. OKAY SO IF YOU GUYS LOVE: 🌹 grumpy x sunshine 🌹 slow burn 🌹 marriage of convenience GO READ THIS BOOK BUDDIES!!

Photo of West Shah
West Shah@westshah
4 stars
Jan 10, 2024

The storyline was unique nothing like i ever read before. But i feel like something was lacking. Don’t worry i really do enjoy reading this!✨ thank you author!

Photo of isabella
3 stars
Jan 8, 2024

I don't know if I liked it or if I hate it

Photo of isabella
3 stars
Jan 8, 2024

I don't know if I liked it or if I hate it

Photo of kyra
1 star
Jan 8, 2024

1/5. idrc if it’s unfair, if i dnf a book it’s automatically a 1/5 for me.

Photo of lexie
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024

oh how i love their relationship. i cried in this shit. oh jack hawthorne 😫😫😫 i loved every single chapter of this novel.

Photo of nuélle
3 stars
Jan 7, 2024

[3.75/5] it was cute if you just ignore that fucking cover

Photo of Renata
4 stars
Dec 15, 2023

it was cute, i was literally smiling and laughing every 5 minutes lol jackrose 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 - "Day after day, I found myself helping Rose at her coffee shop. Even when I didn't intend to drop by, or let's say even when I knew I shouldn't drop by, I still found myself on her doorstep." - "I might not be what you wanted or needed, but you got me anyway. I'm right here." - "That earned another beautiful smile, and I decided I would always cook for her on Mondays, pasta or whatever she wanted." - "I'll be right there when you wake up, Rose. I'll be waiting for you right here, so you come back to me, okay? Make sure you come back to me." - "But...I was head over heels in love with this woman, more than I could've ever thought possible when I'd first come up with the most ridiculous business deal' I could ever conceive of. She had my heart in her hands. She was the only one for me; it was as simple as that. I could be without Rose. I could spend a lifetime without ever talking to her again and I would live-miserably, but I would live, as long as I knew she was happier. Life always moved on whether you chose to move along with it or stay put and let it happen all around you, but I didn't want to do it without her." - "I didn't want to spend the rest of my life without her, just looking at her from a distance. I needed and wanted to be right next to her, holding her hand, whispering how much I loved her into her skin until my love became a part of her, a necessity she couldn't do without. I wanted to be her air, her heart. I wanted everything I didn't deserve to have." - "Go home, Jack," I said quietly. "You have no reason to be here." "I don't have a home to go back to anymore, Rose." "You're my home," - "You are the love of my goddamn life," "Somewhere in between all the pretending, I completely fell for you, and I can't even think of my life without you in it." - "Your heart always has a home with me, Rose. No matter what, never forget that." "And yours will always have a home with me. Certain people are meant for each other and you were meant for me, Jack. And I was meant for you." - "I'm so in love with you, Rose Hawthorne," I said against her lips as she laughed at something I'd just said. "You're the best part of my life."

Photo of Lynn Braden
Lynn Braden@ftbooklover
4 stars
Sep 5, 2023

Rose's dream of owning her own coffee shop is about to go down the drain - her fiance has left her, and her uncle's will states that only her husband can claim the building. When Jack pulls her aside and offers to marry her so he can acquire the building after the 2 year stipulation for the coffee shop, Rose thinks he must be joking, but she soon finds herself with Jack, standing in front of an officiant naming them husband and wife. Rose is going to do everything she can to make the marriage work with the grumpy lawyer, but little does she know that Jack has an ulterior motive.

Marriage for One is an engaging slow burn romance with twists and turns throughout the story that make it hard to put down. References to the movie, Titanic, occur frequently due to the character names and You've Got Mail is also mentioned. In addition, the characters' personalities bear a striking resemblance to the protagonists in Fifty Shades of Grey, creating a bit of a distraction and making connections with them difficult. Overall, however, Marriage for One is an entertaining romance that is well worth the read.

Photo of cam
5 stars
Jun 29, 2023


Photo of Wilma Lindmark
Wilma Lindmark@wilmalindmark
5 stars
Jun 20, 2023

This is one of the best slow burn romances I have read and I love Jack and Rose together. We love an arranged marriage trope and this was done good, because it added to the plot that was good and when the spice (finally) came it was perfect and everything you need. I like that this was dual POV but I think it would not be as predictable if it wasn't but I loved Jacks POV so I will not complain. So all in all this book had everything I wanted out of it and I highly recommend it!

Photo of Emma Kamer
Emma Kamer@emmakamer
3.5 stars
Jun 12, 2023

I liked the story and the characters a lot! But… it was so long. It went to slow for me. It took me forever to get through. It’s sad because it had such a great story.

Photo of maddie harris
maddie harris@readingiris
5 stars
May 14, 2023

im in love.

Photo of Meghan Thompson
Meghan Thompson @mthomp08
5 stars
May 9, 2023

i’ve read this three times and i still love every fucking second of this book

Photo of Callia Jayde
Callia Jayde@callia_jayde1
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

This was a super cute book

Photo of 🧸
2 stars
Feb 1, 2023

umm idk how what to say I really did not enjoy this at all 🤷‍♀️ maybe I'm a dual pov hater

Photo of menna
3 stars
Jan 31, 2023

actual rating : 2.5⭐

Photo of linhie
5 stars
Jan 26, 2023

5/5 ☆


Photo of Sophia

When I felt his lips against my temple, I closed my eyes. “You’re breaking my heart, baby, trying to hold on to something that should’ve never been. Sign the divorce papers, Rose. Please.”

Photo of Sophia

“I’ll be right there when you wake up, Rose. I’ll be waiting for you right here, so you come back to me, okay? Make sure you come back to me.”

Photo of Sophia

I was an idiot. “Your sleeves… you always roll them up.” I was a gigantic idiot, but… it was always one of the highlights of my day, so why should I have to suffer just because he forgot about it? It was my daily forearm porn, and I had started to look forward to it.

100% valid haha

Photo of Sophia

“It sounds like you’re fucking with me, cuz.”

I took a step forward and left, putting myself in front of Bryan and forcing Rose to take a step back. “I know this is a surprise to your family, Mr. Coleson, so I’ll let that one go, but I’d suggest you watch your words when you’re speaking to my fiancé.”

Photo of Brooke Barnett
Brooke Barnett@jdog123456

“It’s beautiful,” Jack said softly. It was soft enough that it got my attention, and I noticed his eyes were on me, not the flowers.

Page 109

Clasic romance novel line!

Photo of Charlie
Charlie @charlielikesbooks

Rose:You're eating lunch in your office by yourself? Jack:Yes. Rose:Why didn't you tell me? I make great sandwiches. I looked down at my high-priced steak lunch and wished I had a sandwich instead. Jack:Next time.

Photo of Nathalie Zb
Nathalie Zb@nathaliezb

“I don’t have a home to go back to anymore, Rose.” I stopped, but I didn’t look at him “You’re my home,” he finished.

Page 558
This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Keira 💫
Keira 💫@dirtyhandssidechick

I thought she looked beautiful with her hair down and a little messy, her lips bare and her eyes still sparkling.

Page 121

I love when men describe their woman like this.

Photo of Keira 💫
Keira 💫@dirtyhandssidechick

She avoided my eyes, and I realized I didn't like it.

Page 121

He's warming up to her and I like it very much.

Photo of Keira 💫
Keira 💫@dirtyhandssidechick

Surprised, I looked up to meet his eyes, but his attention was on my index finger as he gently rolled the ring back and forth with his thumb and index finger. The sensation was as alien as it could get. "It's okay," I whispered when he didn't stop playing with it. "It's a little big, but it's okay." He let go of my hand and the ring and then looked at me. "I'll take care of it." "There is no need to do that. This is fine."

Page 9


Photo of mariah

“I cupped her head and rested my forehead against hers. “You are the love of my goddamn life,” I whispered back, my voice raw and hoarse. “Somewhere in between all the pretending, I completely fell for you, and I can’t even think of my life without you in it.”


Photo of mariah

The smile that bloomed on her face when she saw me and Stave hauling the tree into the apartment was priceless. Her laughter that rung through the apartment as e decorated it together made it one of the best days of my life

Christmas is my favorite holiday and reading about Christmas scenes always makes the book so better. This whole book is so comforting

Photo of sofia 🥀
sofia 🥀@booksofia

“You’re the only woman I want to go to sleep holding on to and wake up next to, Rose Hawthorne. I will never leave you. I will never forget you.”

Photo of María | @AltroReader
María | @AltroReader@altroreader

Your heart always has a home with me, Rose. No matter what, never forget that.

Photo of María | @AltroReader
María | @AltroReader@altroreader

You were always right next to me, every step of the way, and you made me love you.

Photo of María | @AltroReader
María | @AltroReader@altroreader

We’ll figure it out together. We have each other now.

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