
Misery A Novel

Stephen King2016
After an almost fatal car crash, novelist Paul Sheldon finds himself being nursed by a deranged fan who holds him captive.
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Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
4 stars
Dec 11, 2024

Slow burn claustrophobic horror with mounting tension and violence that plays on fears of powerlessness and being trapped. A compelling exploration of writing, the role of writers, obsession, addiction, fandom and madness.

Photo of Justin Staack
Justin Staack@justinstaack
4 stars
Jul 30, 2024

7 Punkte

Photo of Drew Nerbas
Drew Nerbas@drew_cn
5 stars
Jul 24, 2024

Absolutely intense book all the way through, had my heart pounding on multiple occasions. Will for sure be reading another King book

Photo of Matt Eaves
Matt Eaves@eavesyy
2 stars
Jul 5, 2024

First audiobook ✅

Photo of Shivam
4 stars
Jun 20, 2024

** spoiler alert ** King has a good sense of humor. There is so much commentary about round conclusion of fiction and I believe Misery itself has a fairly round resolution. Of course there is the trauma Paul went through and probably would never shake off but so much of the threads have cleaner conclusions than I'd have expected.

Photo of Rodrigo Figueiredo Severino
Rodrigo Figueiredo Severino@rodrigueseve
5 stars
Mar 30, 2024

After buying this and The Shining at the same time, I read The Shining first and was really worried I’d just waste money buying Misery. The Shining was alright but it dragged a lot and made reading it tasking for me. I found myself reading it more out of obligation then entertainment. Misery, however, was fantastic. Great pacing, very gory and scary, and very good ending. You got to know all the sides of the mad Annie Wilkes and also all the sides of poor Paul, and there’s definitely a crescendo in this book as to how gory and brutal it gets. The description is also very well done, being just enough to paint the picture out clearly and not too much that it will get boring. Just a good book.

Photo of Ana Luiza
Ana Luiza@anaelin
5 stars
Mar 1, 2024

puta que pariu GENIAL Não li muitos livros do King em minha vida, mas os poucos que li se tornaram todos favoritos. Misery tem que ser um dos melhores livros de toda minha vida para ser sincera. Tenho muita dificuldade, normalmente, de me ver presa em um livro de thriller. Na maioria das vezes não me importo com o personagem ou a situação o suficiente para o leitura se tornar fluida, por isso não leio tanto esse gênero. Misery, de uma forma que não sei explicar, me fez cativar pelo personagem principal e mais que isso, me deu tanto medo da Annie que não conseguia largar. Queria a todo tempo saber o que ela iria fazer em seguida. Sem contar a escrita do King, que em todos os livros eu acho um pouco poética, mas nesse ela chegou em outro nível na minha opinião. Deve-se aplaudir de pé um autor que consegue colocar metáforas e fluxos de pensamento abstrato que sejam realmente interessantes e façam sentido com a obra, não apenas estão ali para "elevar" o patamar de leitura. As reflexões de Paul me deixavam tão instigada quanto as cenas de ação, o que me surpreendeu muito. Além disso, pela primeira vez (a menos que eu me lembre), me vi realmente apreensiva lendo um livro. As cenas em que Annie saía de casa e Paul se esgueirava para fora do quarto eram de dar nos nervos, o medo de Annie aparecer a qualquer momento, medo que ela faria com ele... Finalmente me deparei com um final do King que considero perfeito. Acho que não mudaria nenhum detalhe. Eu gosto principalmente de como ele só revelou no final que Annie estava morta, de forma que durante o ultimo capitulo estamos a todo tempo esperando acontecer alguma merda e ela aparecer novamente. Sensacional. Mais uma vez King está me provando que mereço dedicar muito mais tempo a ler sua obra do que já dediquei. Pena que os livros são sempre tão caros hahha :( por isso até que demorei tanto pra ler Misery, estava sempre tão caro... Bom, se eu pudesse mudar uma coisa seria o vocabulário que ele usa para uma determinada cena no final que me deixou bem desconfortável. Ao mesmo tempo entendo que foi um livro escrito há bastante tempo atrás e que na época não havia muito diálogo sobre o quanto fazer a alusões a certas coisas pode ser ofensivo. Enfim, vida longa ao Rei :)

Photo of yel
3 stars
Feb 24, 2024

3 of 5 stars ----- My first ever Stephen King read. I can't exactly tell how I feel about this book. Maybe I am still trying to get used to King's writing. This was not, by any means, a great book. It was okay, I guess. Average. I specifically wasn't sure about the way he ended this. I was a bit underwhelmed, I think. The thing that I was sure I kind of liked about was the way I can vividly imagine the disturbing parts of this book. I am so used to watching gory, violent movies and I can mostly stomached those but the way King described how his character Paul was axed by Annie, I can praised that. I liked that I can clearly see it in my head. It actually made my stomach clenched. That is what I was looking for in this kind of books. I can actually feel the creepy ambiance right into my bones. Overall, I still enjoyed this. I'm positive that this will not be my last Stephen King read.

Photo of Daniel Spruill
Daniel Spruill@dleespruill
5 stars
Feb 23, 2024

In a book, all would have gone according to plan.... but life was so fucking untidy - what could you say for an existence where some of your most crucial conversations of your life took place when you needed to take a shit, or something? An existence where there weren't even any chapters? I don’t know that I have much to add to the conversation of this story, but the fact that King can make a story based around two characters and one location and make it so readable is impressive. Like most of his novels, King writes himself into the story, but this one to a much stronger degree. He is Paul Sheldon. It’s so meta and self aware but never gets eye-rolly or silly. It’s also, as King has said, about cocaine. And with that context it adds layers that leave so much to be discovered on re-reads. I prefer the hobbling scene, the death of the cop, and the ending of the novel over the film simply because of how grisly and satisfying it is. But I guess you can’t chop someone’s foot off and win an Oscar, huh? Oh, and that scene with the rat trap? Would’ve been great to see that on film. Great fucking book. Love this quote that summarizes Paul’s addiction beautifully. Okay. I’ll duck one of the two capsules she gives me every other time she brings them. I’ll put it under my tongue when I swallow the other one, then stick it under my mattress with the other pills when she takes the drinking glass out. Only not today. I don’t feel ready to start today. I’ll start tomorrow.

Photo of Brandy
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024

The suspense of this book is immaculate and I can't stop thinking about it ever since I finished reading it.

Photo of M. Marques
M. Marques@shvvffle
3 stars
Dec 18, 2023

The pace was too slow for my liking.

Photo of Sarah Panek
Sarah Panek@sarahpanek
4 stars
Nov 28, 2023

Annie’s character is perfectly cringy. The acts of torture and violence were well-written… page-turning. Only did not enjoy reading the book within the book.

Photo of Soph
4.5 stars
Nov 5, 2023

It's Stephen King so it is obviously fantastic! There was so much actual fear in me and I was so emotionally connected to Paul - you definitely root for him. The character of Annie is so well thought of and fleshed out it's almost as if she's in the room with you. Not one to read if you're on your own and it'sdark!

Photo of Viktor
Viktor @viktorhugo
5 stars
Oct 13, 2023


Photo of Taylor Griffin
Taylor Griffin@tayg
4.5 stars
Sep 19, 2023

Not a genre I expected to have much interest in, but ended up being absolutely gripped by this story.

Photo of Lara Engle
Lara Engle@bzzlarabzz
5 stars
Aug 23, 2023

That Stephen King guy really knows how to write a page-turner, huh? This one doesn't even have anything supernatural, just real human horror. People really can be worse than anything imagined.

Photo of Brian
4 stars
Jun 28, 2023

Jamás olvidaré las N’s faltantes de aquellos textos obligados.

CLAUDIA VALDES@cloudvaldes
4 stars
May 31, 2023

Grotesque. Absolutely inhumane. What an INSANE book, holy shit. Deadass had me gagging, groaning, had to put it down so many times to breathe thru the nausea. Loved it.

Photo of micki
4 stars
May 13, 2023

this is the first stephen king book i’ve ever read and honestly it was pretty good ! it took me some time to finish but i liked the story development and was also pretty curious about how it’s going to end & honestly i was quite satisfied with the ending

Photo of Bethany
Bethany @echelon_boo
5 stars
May 8, 2023

Wow, what a way to start 2023! 😲

Photo of Wynter
4 stars
May 4, 2023

I’ve been reading King’s work in publication order for a few years now, but I suddenly got stuck on The Talisman. I don’t know why, but I’ve had three false starts so far. So instead of torturing myself, I skipped to the book I knew was a sure thing. Misery, after all, is considered one of his best. And yes, it is great. Even though I prefer King’s supernatural horror (here’s where the author might roll his eyes), this psychological thriller/torture porn was a good company. Considering how the plot came to be out of King’s own experiences, the horrors are indeed palpable. I believe George R.R. Martin might write something similar before another book in ASoIaF series comes out.

Photo of Victoria
3 stars
Apr 8, 2023

I did it! I finally finished a Stephen King novel! And, well, it’s underwhelming. First, I had to constantly remind myself that this was published (and may have also been written) in the 80s because I keep thinking ugh, I know this, I’ve seen this, it’s nothing new. But I have to remember that this book probably was one of the firsts of its kind. So I can’t be too bummed by its non-uniqueness, since I’m reading it 30+ years after its original publication. That aside, the writing was not my cup of tea. There are pages after pages of stuff that (I personally feel) should have been better edited out. They don’t really contribute much to the overall plot and story. But maybe that’s just me. Overall, not too bad but not the best read, either. I was hoping for more of that thrilling moment but I didn’t feel anything. I didn’t even care that much for Paul or Annie. I’m not giving up just yet, though. Some day soon, I’m gonna find that one King novel that I’m gonna love. --- I need to remember that this was published in the late 80s.

Photo of Alexa M
Alexa M@alexasversion
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

my first Stephen King.. really enjoyed this

Photo of natalie
4 stars
Jan 21, 2023

was the n word reeeeeally necessary?


Photo of Simona Dandárová
Simona Dandárová@dandy

Most of them had pianos. We Jews are very partial to the piano. When you own a piano, its harder to think about moving. Now he understood. Yes. At first it was his broken legs and crushed pelvis. Then, God help him, the book had taken off. In a crazy way he was even having fun with it. It would be easy - too easy - to blame everything on his broken bones, or the dope, when in fact so much of it had been the book. That and the droning passage of days with their simple convalescent patern. Those things - but mostly the stupid goddam book - had been his piano.

Page 194


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Photo of Simona Dandárová
Simona Dandárová@dandy

‘Going to her Laughing Place,’ Paul croaked, and began to laugh himself. She had hers; he was already in his. The wild gales of mirth ended when he looked at the mangled body of the rat in the corner. A thought struck him. ,Who said she didn't leave me anything to eat?’ he asked the room, and laughed even harder. In the empty house Paul Sheldon's Laughing Place sounded like the padded cell of a madman.

Page 192

Oh my… WHAT A CHAPTER (the end of ch 15)

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Photo of Simona Dandárová
Simona Dandárová@dandy

He screamed, scrabbled for the headboard, and pulled himself safely over onto the bed, his throbbing left leg trailing behind the rest of him. That will bring her, he thought incoherently. She'll want to see if Sheldon really turned into Luciano Pavarotti, or if it just sounds that way.

Page 187

OMG That’s hilarious:D

Photo of Simona Dandárová
Simona Dandárová@dandy

She shook her head and repeated: ‘It's not like any of the other Misery books.' The man who wrote these pages was in a rather gruesome frame of mind, my dear, Paul thought. 'Shall I go on? he asked. I’ll kill you if you don't!' she responded, smiling a little. Paul didn't smile back. This comment, which would once have struck him as in a league with such banalities as You look so good I could just eat you up now seemed not banal at all.

Page 161

So funny and horrible at the same time.

Photo of nate

Her smile suddenly collapsed into a narrow watchfulness he didn't like much - it was like discovering a deep crevasse almost obscured by summer flowers in the midst of a smiling, jocund meadow.

Page 10

Annie Wilkes is quickly becoming one of my favourite King villains! I guess the fact that she is so human makes her scary, scarier than Pennywise even.

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