Monster in His Eyes

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!! I am so in love with this Trilogy! Everything about Naz & Karissa is perfect. A different kind of dark romance. Highly recommended!

I had a delightful time with this book and I just breezed through this one, which lately I have been wanting to pick up books I just go through so quickly like I did with this one here. I have been wanting to read J.M. Darhower for years, ever since I heard about "Ghosted" although after these books I am realizing how much I truly need to pick that one up and soon. I am in a bit of a dark romance kick and I had a blast exploring this book. Its definitely not for the faint hearted at all. Its dark and gritty and deals with some difficult issues. But the chemistry is truly powerful in this story, their connection is so rich and deep and I just wanted to cheer on this couple. But I knew it was too good to be true and that there was so much more going on than met the eye. And I was right. Its truly sad what this story leads too, especially for our heroine, who is truly caught in the middle and is an innocent. But our hero has a very dark past and it can be troubling to see what he is faced with, and what his duty is but also has his own personal reasons for his revenge. Overall I found Monster In His Eyes to be an interesting romance, that checked off all the books for what I like to see in a dark romance, and I am eager for more and to see the issues that reside between them get handled.

DNF @ 23% I am sooooo bored

Originally posted at Booklovers For Life 4.5 STARS This book blew. MY. MIND!!!!! I still can’t wrap my head around Monster in His Eyes–it was nothing like I ever expected, and I LOVED it! It’s intense, raw, suspenseful, gorgeously written, and so freaking goooood!!! We have our heroine, Karissa, an 18-year-old freshman at NYU who’s just a normal girl trying to distance herself from her overbearing mom. She’s getting through her first year of college–she’s normal, relatable, and I easily connected with her as the heroine. J.M. Darhower portrays her perfectly as a college girl, but the story really only picks up when Karissa meets Ignazio “Naz” Vitale. Ignazio Vitale, who is 36, intense, and holds so much raw confidence and power in himself that Karissa never stood a chance against him. Karissa is wary of Naz, and rightly so. Here’s a guy who’s gorgeous, rich, and twice her age, and he’s pursuing her? But there’s something so tempting, so invigorating, so thrilling about Naz that Karissa can’t stay away. Naz even warns Karissa to stay away from him but… “I thought I could play with you a bit, and let you go, but once I had you, Karissa, I had to keep you. I couldn’t walk away.” As Karissa starts falling for this man, a man she really knows nothing about, it’s all very romantic, but I could never get that feeling–the chills-up-your-spine kind of feeling–out of my mind. There was always something more to Naz, something dark and dangerous, and I never forgot it, and neither does Karissa. I honestly didn’t know what to think about Naz. Did I think he was too old for Karissa? Yes, but I could deal with that. Did I fall for him? Maybe a liiitle bit–he’s insanely sensual and passionate, but I just couldn’t ignore the warning bells ringing in my head. Because there’s no doubt that Naz is very dark and very, very dangerous. And when his eyes cut my way, and I see the darkness on the surface, I’m reminded that this man hangs out with monsters. And one might even exist inside of him. Ignazio Vitale is one very intriguing man, and J.M. Darhower has written him so very, very perfectly. I swooned and I gasped, and I felt an incredibly wide range of emotions because of him. He’s such a thrilling character to read about, especially from Karissa’s POV. The author’s writing is brilliant, and I don’t think I’ve ever been more fascinated in and intrigued with a character than I am about Naz. He lives in his own little world, where he’s the king, and I’m more than happy to be his minion… although, when he looks at me, flashing that dimple, I feel like nothing less than his queen. Naz is addictive and powerful, sweeping Karissa off her feet and carrying her into his world, but it’s not exactly a HEA for them. There are dark twists and turns in this book, things that were jaw-dropping and had me reeling. Fans of suspense will not be disappointed. I honestly couldn’t get enough of Karissa and Naz’s story. I never wanted it to end, and now I’m pretty much dying for book 2, Torture in Her Soul!! Monster in His Eyes is a fascinating, fantastic book that had me hooked from the start. So go READ IT!! Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version. Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review. Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!