Murder on Astor Place
Following a routine delivery in a rooming house, turn-of-the-century midwife Sarah Brandt discovers that another boarder, a young girl, has been murdered and, despite the hindrance of the girl's powerful family, joins forces with Sergeant Frank Malloy to find the killer before he can strike again. Original.
Nadine @intlnadine
Megan McGuire@ewokkiddo
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
Connor @cgbart
Connor @cgbart
Samantha Armstrong@kitchen_raptor
Ryan B Harvey@codeanddata
Risti Auliya@carysrenna
Risti Auliya@carysrenna
Katie Egan@katieshuffle
Jane K@ojane
Jane K@ojane
Lisa Miller@kiwiflowa