Starry Messenger Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization

Neil is the man.

This is a stellar book (lol) about how the world works, and Tyson breaks down how even the most complex issues are pretty simple when looked at from a universal perspective.


I came to resent labels of all kinds. What are they, if not intellectually lazy ways of asserting you know everything about a person you've never met?

Differences in opinion enrich the diversity of a nation, and ought to be cherished and respected in any free society, provided everyone remains free to disagree with one another and, most importantly, everyone remains open to rational arguments that could change your mind. Sadly, the conduct of many on social media has devolved to the opposite of this. Their recipe: find an opinion they disagree with and unleash waves of anger and outrage because your views do not agree with theirs. Social, political, or legislative attempts to require that everybody agree with your personal truths are ultimately dictatorships.

[As quoted by Leonardo da Vinci]: The greatest deception men suffer from is their own opinion.