The Dangerous Alphabet
A is for Always, that's where we embark . . . Two children, treasure map in hand, and their pet gazelle sneak past their father, out of their house, and into a world beneath the city, where monsters and pirates roam. Will they find the treasure? Will they make it out alive? The Dangerous Alphabet is a tale of adventure, piracy, danger, and heroism told in twenty-six alphabetical lines—although even the alphabet is not to be relied upon here. A delightfully dangerous journey from national bestselling author Neil Gaiman and the monstrously talented Gris Grimly, The Dangerous Alphabet is sure to captivate and chill young readers.

Ken Yuen@kyuenrobo
Wonderfully creepy. There's so much going on in the art. Questionably appropriate for kids? Parents, maybe look through this before your kids do to make sure you approve of the content.

dee 🍊@dndulay

Martin Ackerfors@ackerfors

Rana Saleh@ranasaleh

Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea

Nada Ghanim@nadaghanim

Dario Santos @dario

Natalia Hernandez@chubidubi

Anna Lagerqvist@svartlava

Sarah Agterhuis@saphfyre42

Jose Lito@joselito3