Attracting Investors

Attracting Investors A Marketing Approach to Finding Funds for Your Business

Marketing guru Philip Kotler shows entrepreneurs how to markettheir companies to investors How can businesses do a better job of attracting capital? Theanswer: "Marketing!" Marketing expert Philip Kotler teams up with arenowned marketing consultant and an INSEAD professor for thispractical, marketing-based approach to raising capital frominvestors. Based on the premise that entrepreneurs and businessowners often don't understand what investors want and how they maketheir decisions, Attracting Investors offers a larger view of thefactors involved, and guides both startup and veteran firms ineffectively raising capital. Philip Kotler (Glencoe, IL) is the S.C. Johnson & SonDistinguished Professor of International Marketing at NorthwesternUniversity's Kellogg School of Management, and the author of 35books. Hermawan Katajaya (Jakarta, Indonesia) runs MarkPlus, thelargest marketing consulting firm in Indonesia, and is coauthorwith Kotler of several books, including Repositioning Asia andRethinking Marketing. S. David Young (Fontainebleu, France) is aProfessor of Accounting and Control at INSEAD in Fountainebleu,France.
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