Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury The Last Interview - and Other Conversations

Ray Bradbury was one of our most influential sci-fi writers; the visionary author of the classic Fahrenheit 451 (Granada, 1954). But he also lived a fascinating life outside the parameters of sci-fi, and was a masterful raconteur of his own story, as he reveals in his wide-ranging, in-depth final interview with his acclaimed biographer Sam Weller. Bradbury constantly twists the elements of his life into a discussion of the influences and creative processes behind his literary form.
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Photo of Lara Engle
Lara Engle@bzzlarabzz
5 stars
Aug 23, 2023

This slim volume is filled with charm, wit, advice, and most of all, personality. All I can really say is that I heart Ray Bradbury and Sam Weller seems pretty okay, too.

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