The King Slayer's Sacrifice

The King Slayer's Sacrifice

Robert Hatch2018
Who are you? Are you what came from the womb; how you were nurtured; both? How do those characteristics express when praised; when stressed; loved, ignored, justified, berated, honored, attacked? Who you are is as much about your environments, large and small, as your innate or nurtured character. Life, for all of us, will both cut and caress. Our several and immediate experiences are our truths of the moment, but, will they be the defining and summary truth of our lives when they end? This story, a personal account, is that of one young life moving from surroundings of care and security to chaos and cruelty. He is molded and tempered by the ever changing truths of his disintegrating micro and macro environments in a struggle to, at first, know those threatening persons and forces around him but, eventually, to use his unique and formidable gifts to balance the scales; to erase them and their kind! What would you label him; super hero or super villain; apex predator or apex avenger? What would you do if "invisible," privy to any piece of internet knowledge you desired, had a photographic memory, and, you were able to strike down a malignant psychopath just by pointing at him? From page one: "I suggest that it's a pretty good sign that the world is going hell in a hand-basket, as the saying goes, when a kid aspiring to be a virtuoso violinist morphs to later be on the FBI's top ten wanted list; as a murderer no less! And this person is not just any murderer but a serial killer who targets some of the most prominent socio-economic movers and shakers of his day!" [ ... ] "No, nothing in my youth would portend I would become this killer!" The rest is "between" the covers!
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