Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake

A fun, enjoyable, quick read. Certainly made more enjoyable/relatable as the MC is a bisexual woman, as am I & the bullshit she ensures is absolutely stuff I’ve been through.

в целом это 3.5, но подбешивало, что большую часть книги героиня была совершенной овцой, и эти бесконечные тревоги, кто что подумает, кто на нее обиделся, кому она чем обязана, не глупо ли она выглядит и т.п. - не моя чашка чаю. возможно, кто-то находит это relatable, но я обычно хочу читать про героев, которые говорят и делают то, что большинство людей в реальной жизни не говорит и не делает. к концу книги, правда, она реабилитировалась, но для наших отношений это было уже поздно

content warnings: sexual content (on page but not graphic), classism, emotionally distant / emotionally unsupportive parents, discussion of a teenage pregnancy (which happened in the past), brief mention of Rosaline considering an abortion, casual biphobia, casual homophobia, unwanted sexual advances / threat of sexual assault, gaslighting, an attempt at blackmail, mild violence, unhealthy/manipulative/toxic relationship

I finally finished reading Rosaline Palmer Take the Cake. And I got to say that it was a good read. Nothing fantastic or terrible, just in the middle ground. I enjoyed reading it. It just did not leave me an impression. It's a bit of a slow romance read. Takes time to build-up since it's the first book in the series. I absolutely did love the representation of diversity. Not everyday that we read books that have representation of LGBTQ+. We need more romance books with LGBTQ+ representation. They are a joy to read.

I absolutely loved this, yes sometimes the main character annoyed me she was very self-deprecating and a bit more naive than I expected but overall I liked her especially when she was with some of the supporting characters. I adored her daughter and the whole baking show aspect was perfect. As a big fan of the great british bake off I very much enjoyed that part and the idea of what happens behind the scenes was brilliant. A solid 4.5 stars.