It's All in Your Head Get Out of Your Way

** spoiler alert ** it was just ok, but i liked that the author’s ideas weren’t hard to understand! maybe i also am not moved when a man tells me what to do hahaha. overall, it was a so-so read as someone who wants to learn more about manifestation some ideas i’ll bookmark on here (but i think at this point, all these are familiar to me already): - say what you desire unabashedly & fight for it - if you are seeking validation from others, there will always be a void; fill that void with self-approval & it will blossom into self-love - people who think it’s stupid to fall don’t believe in themselves enough to have the opportunity to fall - when you fall many times, the main takeaway is that you are now well-versed in what doesn’t work, which helps strategize your triumph - never internalize their limits as your own, there is no one-size-fits-all path - to certain onlookers you might appear lost; you are not lost, you are exploring - this is a race, yes, but not against anyone or anything else except your own doubt

actually helped me with my anxiety during these covid times :)