Red Hood and the Outlaws Death of the Family

Oh wow. Death of the Family was an amazing arc in DC's Bat Family, but I think this is my favorite storyline in it. While for Batman and Nightwing, it was heart-wrenching, and for Batgirl and Robin it was was just a little piece of the bigger storyline going on, for Red Robin and Red Hood it was huge. Their respective teams were thrown upside down as their leaders were both abducted, forcing them to work together for the bigger picture. Red Robin's team began to understand the boy behind the mask, and why he does as he does. But for Red Hood it was deeper. It was truly personal. Each of them faced their demons, had to come to terms with something in their past now facing them in their present, but Red Hood's past has been his present. And now he has to face it. I loved the character development here, as Jason has to swallow some pains he's been dealing with since he woke up alive again years before. And I love that Jason starts to take steps forward. My favorite part has to be the final page. I also adored that Jason reached out to Damien, the one who honestly has the most in common with him. I enjoyed the foreshadowing to his sad storyline that comes to a head in Batman Inc. Volume 2. It showed just a little more into a side of Damien he doesn't like to admit he has, even in his own comic Batman and Robin. All in all, I think this flowed as well as Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl, but had a little more heart. It wasn't so heartbreaking and added some hope in a dark plot. Amazing read!