Shopaholic to the Stars A Novel

For instance, one of the first things Becky participates in is a charity race. It's called a "Ten Miler." Except for marathons (26 miles) and half marathons (13 miles), all other long distance races, especially the charity ones, are metric. She would have been doing a 10K which is only about 6 miles. The biggest plot point is the rivalry between Sage and another actress sent up a huge red flag. Hollywood doesn't foster that sort of rivalry. I'm frankly surprised the studios let them carry on for as long as they did. The second irksome plot point was the fight between Becky and Suze. But finally, the ending at the start of a roadtrip was a huge glaring missed opportunity. It also shows just how British this series is, even when books are set in the States. If this novel had been written by an American (or more broadly, a North American), the road trip would have been the final act of the novel. It would have been the point where Becky would have been transformed and would have better come to understand her home away from home. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2021/comm...

A happy ending to what started in Shopaholic to the Stars In the previous book I complained about how off character Becky and Suze were. Happily they come back to their usual selves over the course of the journey. Neither one gets to the extremes of the first couple books as there has been character growth. Most importantly, though, the reasons for their off behavior is explained and Alicia's machinations towards breaking them apart is revealed. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2021/comm...

While Becky had some annoying moments, I still rather liked this one? Suze bothered me way more. Could have done without Alicia (UGHHHHH). And I hate when Becky and Luke fight. I'm shocked at how this actually ending in a cliffhanger.

4.5 stars I REALLY liked this one! It was so funny. Becky had tons of growth (even though her friends and family tried to shame her for it?!?). It was such a blast.

To be honest, I can’t wait to finish this series. Shopaholic was the first book I read after University to get out of my reading slump school had created. It was a perfect lighthearted escape to go back to reading for fun, but now that I have read a lot more books, the Shopaholic series makes my eyes roll. Becky’s bitchy attitude against almost every women, constantly commenting in a negative way on their looks, and the plots are always based on a misunderstanding or a « secret » that is resolved when the characters finally talk to each other (at the end of the book of course). If they would have talked to each other in the first chapter there would be no story. And that is the worst kind of book in my opinion. It makes me want to yell at the characters to talk to each other and stop wasting my time. Let’s hope Christmas Shopaholic will redeem the series a bit. On to the next one!

i have such a soft spot for becky bloomwood

Advertencia!: No podes leerla si no leíste las anteriores, ya que tiene personajes y conflictos que vienen de otras novelas, a los que se suman problemas y personajes nuevos. En cierta forma no es una historia completa, sino que se siente sin final y que el final cerraría con la siguiente novela, lo que es raro. Y la amo a Becky, pero la verdad en esta novela su personaje decae, mas que en cualquiera de las anteriores. Y ojo que soy super fan de la saga.

** spoiler alert ** Sophie Kinsella is one of my favourite authors, I’m sure of this because Becky is can be quite easy to dislike at times.. however the author writes her in such a way that I don’t dislike nearly as much as I should. Instead of being annoying, she comes across as quirky and fun loving! Alicia ‘longlegs’ is introduced about a third of the way into this book, but she doesn’t really play much if a role afterwards, which slightly confused me. She felt like someone just thrown into the story for added drama; which was the purpose I suppose. However the novel is still entertaining throughout. The ending leads on to the next book, which seems a little drawn out but I’m still intrigued to find out where Tarquin and Beckys father have gotten to.

Advertencia!: No podes leerla si no leíste las anteriores, ya que tiene personajes y conflictos que vienen de otras novelas, a los que se suman problemas y personajes nuevos. En cierta forma no es una historia completa, sino que se siente sin final y que el final cerraría con la siguiente novela, lo que es raro. Y la amo a Becky, pero la verdad en esta novela su personaje decae, mas que en cualquiera de las anteriores. Y ojo que soy super fan de la saga.

Not as light and fluffy as the previous books, but I still enjoyed it. With the way the book ended, I would be happy to declare it as the final Shopaholic book. I'm not sure I will enjoy the retirement years if this series continues on.

I liked it better than Mini Shopaholic. It is funny and it kept me reading. With the way this one ended their better be an other book in the series because I want to know what happens next.

Okay, so quick story. The only reason I've read this (and not the four books that come between this and Shopaholic Takes Manhattan) is that Sophie had a book tour stop in my city and in order to attend, you needed to buy the book she was promoting. And then one day I ran out of things to read because I sent all my other books home so this became my only hope. It wasn't bad, but certainly was interesting to read having not read the previous 4 books in the series. I LOVE Minnie, and Becky as a mother is not as disastrous as I would have expected. I was surprised that she still had zero impulse control, but I guess we wouldn't have a series without it. I was taken aback by the cliffhanger at the end though - never has a Shopaholic book had me grasping for the next one.

** spoiler alert ** I've well established that I like Sophie's standalone novels better, and this book proves that point. However, there were many interesting things that kept me entertained without being annoyed. I haven't read all of the Shopaholic novels (so why I've read the last two, I don't know) so I'm not tired of Becky and her antics quite yet, but I can see why others would be. She is still the same person she was in the first book, and after 8 novels I would expect her to have evolved more. Even though I haven't read about 3 of the books, I feel as if she had more growth as a character in this one alone than all the others combined. I was pleased that she somewhat got over the shopping thing (for a while anyway), although the reason was a bit bizarre. The idea that she wants another child popped up out of nowhere, and yet disappeared just as quickly, never mentioned again. I'm glad we've (hopefully) gotten rid of Alicia Bitch Longlegs because I was getting tired of hearing Becky complain about her (even though it really was rightly done). I thought the affair Suze had was out of character, as to me she had zero inclinations to being unfaithful to Tarkie. The end resolution reminded me of the end of Anna and the French Kiss with Etienne going off to school by telling all his father's friends. In fact, it was an almost identical solution to the problem. Overall this was entertaining, extremely light and extremely quick and painless. Perfect for a Sunday afternoon read with little brain power necessary.