Slow Simple Living for a Frantic World

After reading a few books about minimalism, slow living was brought up a few times in those books before I decided to pick one that was dedicated to it. Living slow, is living with intention. Deceitfully easy and simple, it requires more presence. Taking time to know the core of your why, and avoid the nuisance and unnecessary turmoil in your life. This book will help you understand the nuance between the two lifestyles based on the author's experience. You can read this one at your pace, which is a thing I did - opening it every now and then to read a few pages - you'd still get the full experience. Anyway, slow living is about keeping what is important to you not what others are doing, or what your "status" require but is rubbish really ... It boils down to focusing on the most important things to you, to get out of the rat race if it's not serving you and isn't part of your plan. It's really a break and moment off to reconsider your life choices and see if they're still aligned with your values and your vision. It was acute read...