
Maud and Pnkie Pie http://pussreboots.com/blog/2017/comm...

Becky and Luke are back in London, in a flat they've sold, and she's midway through her pregnancy. It's Becky's goal to stay fashionable, get the house of her dreams, and have the most posh baby ever. Part of that goal involves switching OB-GYNs, to one who works with pregnant celebrities. The big downside, though, is the new OB-GYN is one of Luke's ex girlfriends. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2017/comm...

Again the series is getting better, I loved her sister and think her voice of reason and frugality was needed. I also like that even tho Bekcy thought she might of screwed up her husbands biggest client she didnt run away or try to hide it. Maybe shes growing up after all! :)

not so special.

** spoiler alert ** becky trying to hike up a mountain in diamond kitten heels is a mood

** spoiler alert ** i've never wanted to punch a red-headed bitch so bad in my life.

2.5 stars Becky really annoyed me in the first half like always but actually grew on me in the last third-

1.75 stars These books truly are a thing for themselves. I really enjoy Kinsella's writing and voice but I spend the first 80% of this book like most of the others wanting to throw my book at a wall. And in this installment I got extremely close to actually doing it. However I did like the last 10% quite a lot...like always.

Lea el primer libro después de ver la película, donde me enamore de Becky y sus aventuras, ademas de qué me identifique con muchas cosas del personaje. Luego leí del 2 al 5, todos seguidos y me enamore de Becky aun mas. Toda la saga es muy dinámica y fácil de leer. Me hizo reír, llorar y no pude parar de leer hasta que los termine.

Lea el primer libro después de ver la película, donde me enamore de Becky y sus aventuras, ademas de qué me identifique con muchas cosas del personaje. Luego leí del 2 al 5, todos seguidos y me enamore de Becky aun mas. Toda la saga es muy dinámica y fácil de leer. Me hizo reír, llorar y no pude parar de leer hasta que los termine.

Not my favorite of the series, but it was still enjoyable.

I have loved every one of Sophie Kinsella's books. This one is, without a doubt, my favorite. I laughed, I teared up, I enjoyed everything about this book!

Overall I love the Shopaholic series but this book was a little hard for me to swallow. I understand Jess's frustration because that was my frustration. I thought the fantasy thoughts were funny but when she would lie and people took her for face value...really? How naive is everyone across the ocean?

For those of you who were not fans of Shopaholic and Sister may agree with me when you read the beginning of this book that it starts off not so well. Towards the middle of the book I ended up putting it down and found it very hard to pick it back up again. I decided that I wanted it off of my currently reading list so I began to read it again starting from where I left off, and now I am glad that I did! The ending really drew me in (I'm leaving out the details so as to not spoil anything!) and I found myself unable to put the book back down. Hang in there if you find yourself in a "Shopaholic and Sister" daze - it will get better! I even found myself laughing out loud when everyone is at the hospital and Suze says....ooh wait you'll need to read that for yourself!

Okay out of all the Shopaholic books, I was bored by this one the most. The only reason I got through it so quickly was so that I could get it off my shelf and move onto the next one. Really, I felt bad for Becky the entire time. She desperately wants a sister, actually finds out she has one, then puts an insane amount of effort into trying to get to know her, only to be rudely rejected and hurt multiple times. Seriously, I couldn't stand her sister (Jess? I think that's her name). I get that maybe they aren't that similar at all, and Jess finds Becky irritating (heaven knows I do most of the time), but you have to commend her for her effort? She's only trying to welcome Jess into the family. Anyway, they mend things by the end, which is great, but it feels pointless that they've gone through all this stuff to become friends in the end anyway. I couldn't even see any character development that would make it worthwhile. But anyway, congrats to this book for making me feel sorry for Becky for once in her life.

3.5 stars. This one actually surprised me. I mean don't get me wrong, Becky is still her impossible self, but this time I didn't mind too much. I mean obviously I can't see why you would need five prams. Her logic is just actually deplorable. But this thing with Venetia...usually Becky is wrong. She's usually totally off course. But this time, she was actually right. And it was so refreshing. I kept trying to think of ways that Becky could have messed up yet again, right until the last minute, and she didn't! And I loved it! I think part of what made me not like Becky as much as Sophie's other protagonists is that she almost always blows things out of proportion, and there is absolutely no reasoning with her at all. Which is why it's so nice for her to be in the clear for once - and also to get a little clarity from Luke, who has pretty much always sent out mixed signals. Also, the little sidebar stories in this book just really seemed to work. I loved Suze. I loved that Danny came back. I even loved Becky's mum and Janice and Jess, who are all a little clueless sometimes. I read Shopaholic to the Stars ages ago without reading any of the books in between and felt frustrated that it didn't seem Becky had grown at all over the course of the series. But now having read the majority of those books in between (I do still have one more to go), I can see that she has. A bit. A small bit. But a bit nonetheless. And even though I am definitely going to donate this book because I don't really ever want to read it again, I still think it was worth the buy. But hey, Sophie Kinsella has always been a guilty pleasure.