Long Way Down Calloway Sisters #4

I am so attached to these 6 made up people

4/5 I never thought I would like this couple so much. "I stare at her like she’s a fucking mirage. I stare at her like if I look away, she’ll disappear for fucking good" "I wish I could give her a million perfect fucking days." "I love him in every moment. In every smile. In every frown. And I will love him after every long way down. He can mourn. He can grieve. He can be upset for the rest of his life. And still. I will never give up on Ryke Meadows. Like he never once gave up on me."

I loved this book so much. Again, I love the characters so much and I love their relationships with each other. I'm not ready to say goodbye to the series. This is the best found family I have ever read. Ryke and Daisy's love for each other is so heartwarming to see. I'm so glad they finally achieved the happiness they deserve. The plot is one of my favorite throughout the series, along with Fuel the Fire. (view spoiler)[Throughout the book, I was so scared that Daisy might be infertile, and I desperately wanted her to have a baby. When she did, I was so damn happy. Ryke's almost-death scene killed me. I was so scared because everything was going smoothly then that happened. (hide spoiler)] I love them so much. Both of them are so selfless, and they deserve everything. (view spoiler)[ During their wedding, it was when the sun starts to rise, and it was so beautiful. It screams Daisy and Ryke so much; the sun. (hide spoiler)] The epilogue was perfect. I loved seeing their kids with them. (view spoiler)[ I was so happy when I found out there was a Cobalt empire, and it was so beautiful to know that Rose became a surrogate for Daisy. (hide spoiler)] The Calloway sisters bond was truly amazing. I loved it so much.

I don’t even have the words to convey how much I loved this book.

it was simultaneously the best and worst decision to read this the day before my finals start but i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Absolute perfection.

I am very much not ok right now

** spoiler alert ** Daisy and Ryke’s story hurts my heart, two broken lonely people fixing each other with their overwhelming, fearless love. They’ve had to endear so much pain in this book like it was getting hard to read. Reading about two of the most caring and kindest people suffer hurts. I teared during their wedding chapter but hella cried during the rock climbing climax and the aftermath then cried more when Ryke waited during Daisy's surgery - so I was v emotional during this whole book The role reversal between Lo and Ryke was unexpected where Ryke starts to give up but Lo is now there for him - the way Ryke was there for Lo (BRB CRYING) omg Lo is such a different person like Book 1 Lo would not have helped crippled Ryke. Then Lo finally understanding Ryke’s love for rock climbing I think my favorite chapter was def Halloween since it was a happy one (after so many sad) and Garrison and Willow was in it I love that Lo and Lily dressed up as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, omg Ryke and Connor’s couple costume tooo I truly appreciate that Lily and Ryke moment like I wish there was more! Their friendship is one of my favorites I love it when Lo who can be so cruel where his words can be knives, can be such a lovesick softie with Lily LOOOVE - there was so much dorky Lily’s moments but my favs are her darth vadar and ho ho parts Dude when you think the crying is over, they hit you with the ashes in his necklace part FUCK THEN THE EPILOGUE AHHHH In the end, Daisy found her voice Ryke learned to be kind to himself And they FINALLY got their happily ever after and beautiful daughter AHH THE THRILL OF IT ALLLLL the epilogue in the end was just filled with so much love and just beautiful calm after so many storms all the characters had to face. I love the 10 year later epilogue with all their kids but I'm sooo excited to read the giant the epilogue book!!!!! I love the authors so much!!!

one of the best books i’ve ever read. the epilogue got me swooning😭 i’m so proud of all of them and i haven’t read some kind of perfect yet i’m already miss the six people that literally changed my life. i’m hugging this book now as sick as it sounds but i hope they feel my love from this. GOING TO TAKE A LIL BREAK AFTER THIS BC IM NOT READY FOR SOME KIND OF PERFECT

Volviendo a releer a mis hijos porque los amo mucho y siempre tendrán un lugar especial en mi corazón🥺🤍

It's officially over :'( Well not really but it feels that way :( I cannot wait for Some Kind of Perfect. Anyways, this book was perfect. I have so many mixed emotions but most of all, happiness. I'm happy because these characters deserved to live happy and they got it. I'm just a ball of emotions right now.

el epílogo me dejó emocional, pero confieso que esperaba más de este libro

I don't even know where to begin ....it feels like I'm saying goodbye to my own kids (it's weird I know ) but that's how it is when you read a book that gives the found family troupe so much depth and that is one thing the calloway sisters story has produced thus far Lily: my angel, my resilient star I cannot begin to tell you how much I'm proud of her and all she has achieved since her addiction was made known to the public ...she's so strong and I'm happy for her ..5 kids ..thats amazing ...truly Loren : my Knight , words cannot express how incredibly proud I am of his battle to sobriety ...13 years going strong ...wow Ryke : my fucking idiot I'm glad he finally slowed down enough to see whats in front of him and not live a selfish life ROSE : love of my life , my enduring queen, my rock, words cannot express how proud I am of her, learning to share responsibilities and being the rock for her younger siblings ...I love you forever Connor : my narcissistic King, I'm glad he understood what love meant and his willingness to aid daisy and lily throughout their teens even now Daisy : my daring starlight , never fade my love Willow, garrison, poppy, Sam, SULLY ....thank you for impacting their lives too 💫

thinking thoughts

I KNEW THERE WAS A REASON I HAD LEFT THE LAST TWO BOOKS UNREAD ALL THOSE YEARS AGO! i read the addicted/calloway sisters a few years ago but left the last two books unread because i knew they would feel too much of a goodbye - and of course I didn’t want that, i love these characters so damn much. finally, a few days ago i gathered the courage to read them. as it turns out, i was right. the whole book, although it was ryke and daisy’s story, felt like a farewell. i bawled my eyes out quite frequently. and i even now, as i’m writing this immediately after finishing the book, i can’t stop crying. i loved this. it was beautiful. ryke and daisy are a one true pairing. but this series is more than that, it comes down to being a story about family, about friends and about love. 5-stars ✨ and now i’ll be starting ‘some kind of perfect’ and i just know i need a whole pack of tissues.

i'm not fine at all, me niego a leer some kind of perfect

4.25/5 stars!!!! i think this has been by far my favourite in the series! I cried so much in this book, just seeing all their relationships evolve so much and come to a 180° from the day they were all introduced made me tear up and also so proud! ryke is the strongest character, the things he has gone through yet being there for every single person in his life. he deserves the world i am so proud of daisy calloway, she has completely developed throughout this series and she has finally become the person she wants to be, unapologetically and i love that for her THE EPULOGUE?? I TEARED UP IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. HOW CAN IT END I AM SO HAPPY AND SO SAD AT THE SAME TIME

The tears I shred during this book I’m actually exhausted. A beautiful conclusion to #Raisy. They got their happily ever after and I’m crying my eyes out because I’m so happy for them! Loved every single second of it. Also the epilogue I bawled like I’m still crying now. I love this universe I’ve said a million times but I will say it a billion times over and over again.

100000/5 stars

this was perfect

Favorite one so far, I don't wanna finish this series

He llorado poco creo

My heart broke several times through out this book for Ryke and Daisy. They go through so many obstacles and have to face so many stones fate throws at them. It even made me cry. BUT their relationship is so beautiful, they always support the other person and are a real team.

Can't believe it's over!! *crying*

He pats my shoulder and says, “Maybe one day you’ll be able to outrun me.” I remember all the fucking times I’ve told him that. “I’d rather just run beside you.” His daggered amber eyes almost soften.

I’m supposed to be taking care of him, but he can’t turn it off. His love for other people. Such a nurturer, that Ryke Meadows.

I wonder if he can feel happiness flowing through me. I wonder if he can see how much his love empowers me. Makes me feel invincible. Incredible. Daisy Petunia Meadows, the girl who can say yes and no. Who can flap her wings and fly.

Without you, the sky has no sun.

Friends might not be forever, but maybe friends that you view as family have long lasting powers, destined to stick around.

We all wear armor made of love and time.

I'm my own anchor. I decide when to rise again. I don't know if I'm ready.

People say you can't describe love, but I have a theory that you can. It's just subjectiv. Do you want to know what love feels like for me? It's breathing and sufficating. Sobbing and smiling. Yearning and fading. To ache that much harder. To live that much larger.

Relationships that take the most effort and the most time become the mightiest, most resilient bonds in the end.

She's my fucking sun, and even though she is set tonight, she means nothing less to me. I love her just as fucking madly.

"Abbracciami," I say the Italian word he taught me not long ago. Hold me.

I'd go down with Daisy, to the bitter fucking end.

Never give up or back down on the things that fill your soul, Calloway. There is no worse life than a hollow one.

"I made your life crazy," I whisper. He nods like it's a good thing. "Yeah, Dais. You made it fucking crazy, and I've been so crazy in love with you."

Then, one day, I realized that you are lightning. You can't be bottled or contained anymore than she can. And together, you both make a beautiful, perfect storm.